FAO Publications

FLOSS in Cadastre and Land Registration. Opportunities and Risks
When it comes to computer software, the old saying “you get what
you pay for” may no longer apply. After years of skepticism
towards open-source software, many of today’s open-source
solutions are as good, if not better than proprietary software
solutions. The question is – why is it then that there are so
few land administration systems making use of open-source
software technology? Lack of knowledge about the possibilities
might be one of the reasons. After all, marketing has never been
a priority for developers of open-source software. Doubts about
the security and available software support could further shy
away cadastre agencies from making the switch.
Land administration and cadastral systems are playing a crucial
macro-economic role in the collection, management, and
dissemination of information about land ownership, use and
value. Cadastral systems are documenting land tenure rights and
are thus providing crucial economic, social and environmental
benefits. Modern cadastral systems make extensive use of
information technology (IT) supported by software systems. In
developed countries, such systems have been established over the
last 20-30 years and became powerful tools in operating
cadastral systems. In developing and transitional countries, the
need for efficient cadastral systems and the use of IT is as
much a necessity as it is in developed countries, although there
are substantial financial and operational constraints.
The motivation for FAO, World Bank and FIG to become active in
the field of open-source software for cadastre and land
registration comes from the observation that many systems and
projects in developing countries struggle to provide appropriate
and affordable services for tenure security. Reasons are related
to governance but also to technological and financial
shortcomings. Information technology plays a crucial role in
operating cadastres and land registration systems. In developing
countries, the on-going license costs of proprietary software
often created serious constraints and have even stopped
The costs of proprietary software licenses have proved to be a
constraint, but even more, the lack of capacity, models and
support to develop software have stopped initiatives.
Open-source software, which has become a credible alternative to
proprietary software, provides a way forward. Open-source
solutions are more flexible and adaptable to local conditions
and languages than proprietary software. By using and improving
open-source software, cadastres can build local knowledge and
contribute to the development of open-source projects that can
in turn benefit other cadastres world-wide.
Aim of publication
The aim of this publication is to explore open-source software
in general and in particular in the fields of cadastre and land
registration and to come up with recommendations and hints for
countries that are thinking of using open-source products.
Open-source software has become an issue that cannot be ignored
any longer and that actually might provide solutions to existing
problems. This publication wants to explore and to develop an
understanding of open-source software in as much a balanced and
unbiased way as possible, give recommendations and reflect on
lessons learnt with long-term validity on a conceptual and
strategic level.
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