Introduction |
A key deliverable of Commission 4
is to help provide ongoing oversight of, and input to, hydrographic
standards and guidelines, in particular those standards and
guidelines sponsored by the International Hydrographic Organization
(IHO). Having an enduring mechanism embedded within Commission 4
which can effectively provide such input and solicit stakeholder
feedback to IHO-sponsored reviews of particular hydrographic
standards and guidelines, remains an important Commission 4
consideration and output.
Recognising the priority hydrographic standards and guidelines
deserved as part of wider Commission 4 activities, a dedicated
Working Group (WG) exists within Commission 4. The primary focus of
WG 4.1 is to contribute to the maintenance and development of
hydrographic standards and guidelines. |
The objectives of WG 4.1 are to: |
Working Group 4.1 Chair
- Assist in the development and recognition of standards of competency
for hydrographic surveyors;
- Assist in the development of technical standards and guidelines;
- Assist with the review of standards and guidelines.
- Promote the need for and benefits of, professional hydrographic
surveyor certification.
Simon Ironside
New Zealand |
Terms of Reference |
Membership |
Simon Ironside (New Zealand)
Associate, Eliot Sinclair
e-mail: simon.ironside[at]eliotsinclair.co.nz
Michael Beard (Australia)
e-mail: michaeljbeard[at]bigpond.com
Mathieu Bestille (Australia)
Operation Manager, Precision Hydrographic Services
Work Plan |
Recent News |
WG 4.1 Activity Report
FIG Working Week – Sofia, Bulgaria – May 2015 –
Hydrography Report and WG 4.1
IHO Circular Letter 68/2016 – Establishment of the IHO Project
Team on Standards For Hydrographic Surveys (HSPT)
IHO Circular Letter 26/2017 – Composition of the IHO Project
Team on Standards for Hydrographic Surveys (HS PT)
Input to Hydrographic Standards and Guidelines
Organisations, commercial businesses or tertiary
institutions aligned with the hydrographic industry, or individuals
working within any of the established hydrographic surveying
disciplines, who wish to provide feedback on hydrographic standards
and guidelines, specifically those detailed in the current WG 4.1
Work Plan, are encouraged to email the WG 4.1 Chair (or any member
of WG 4.1) with constructive suggestions for improvement, using the
link below.
The aim of any input or feedback is to assist the WG to help
maintain the contemporary nature of current and future hydrographic
standards and guidelines.
Submissions |