Working Group Chairs:
Vice Chair of Administration FIG Commission 2
Rosario Casanova, Universidad de la República de Uruguay, Uruguay
Chair of Working Group 2.1
Developing and strengthening academic networks
Francis Roy, Laval University, Canada
Chair of Working Group 2.2
Innovation in curriculum development implementation
William Kelly, University of Glasgow, Scotland,
Chair of Working Group 2.3
Young Surveyors in Education
Dimo Todorovski, University of Twente, the Netherlands
Chair of Working Group 2.4
Land Administration Education
Simon Hull, University of Cape Town, Republic of South Africa,
Delegates and Correspondents:
Each member association has the right to
nominate a delegate to each of the ten technical
commissions. In addition Affiliates, Academic
Members and Corporate Members are welcome to nominate a
correspondent to each commission.
Interested? If you are
interested to become a national delegate from your
country, please contact your
member association. The contact information of national delegates is
updates by the FIG office. Any changes in contact
information should be sent to the FIG

“...e-learning is a learning process
created by interaction with digitally
delivered content, network-based services
and tutoring support." The report aims to
bring together the experiences and
viewpoints within FIG on the role of
e-learning in surveying education.
Read the Publication |
The FIG Foundation raises funds to secure
a sustainable future for surveyors. It
provides significant grants to support
life-long learning and career paths of
surveyors, and has been instrumental in
bringing young surveyors into the FIG
Community. Commission 2 has been represented
in the Board in the current term by the
Commission 2 chair David Mitchell.
More information
Each year the Academic Members meet at
the Academic Forum held in conjunction with
the FIG Working Week. The latest years the
Forum has been held in cooperation with UN
FAO. To be updated.
...It became clear that disaster risk
reduction is a knowledge domain of its own.
Disaster risk reduction has its own
particular issues, own approaches and own
technologies. To include disaster risk
reduction in the curriculum of the surveyor
and land professional means allocating
enough quality time and think carefully
about the set-up and content of the program
and the teaching approaches.
More information |