Working Group 7.3
Cadastral Template 2.0 and the SDGs
Policy Issues
Since 2003, and by mandate of Resolution 4 of the 16th UNRCC-AP in
Okinawa, Japan, Commission 7 with the support of Melbourne University has
maintained a repository of information about cadastre systems across the
world in the website Commission 7 members have been instrumental
in maintaining this information and today there is information for over 50
countries. The relevance of the Cadastral Template platform has been
renewed by the United Nations GGIM expert meeting in New York (2018) in
where a resolution was approved to support use as a supporting mechanism
to track the progress on achieving the sustainable development goals.
Daniel Steudler, Switzerland with the support of
Abbas Rajabifard, Australia
What we are working on -
- Modernization of the technical platform
- Development of indicators relevant to SDGs
- Development of information updating mechanisms
- Update information on the website -
What's New
Tracking SDGs
FIG has been committed for a long time to support the UN and many other
international organizations in achieving the SDGs globally. SDGs are not
just for developing countries, many developed nations have committed to
them as they have an important role to play in the climate crisis.
Since 2002 Commission 7 has been helping countries in benchmarking
their land administration systems. During the time of Ian Williamson as
Chair of the Commission, was created by Daniel
Steudler from the Swiss Cadastre in 2002 (almost 20 years ago!). After all
these years, Commission 7 has continued with this effort and it is now
working with Professor Abbas Rajabifard from Melbourne University in new
indicators and systems to track land-related SDGs in the context of
community resilience.
Commission 7 has already developed a workplan with professor Rajabifard
and we expect testing of some of the new developments during 2020 for
deployment in the cadastretemplate platform in 2021.