FIG Commission 2 - Professional Education

Work Plan 2007-2010
Original work plan in .pdf-format.
Professional Education
Belá Markus, Chairperson of Commission 2.
Terms of reference
- Curriculum development
- Learning and teaching methods and technologies
- Educational management and marketing
- Continuing professional development
- Networking in education and training
Mission Statement
- Promoting good practices
- Endorsing universities and other educational organisations to explore
the needs of society and to manage in a pro-active way the necessary
changes in the “knowledge age”.
- Supporting academic institutions and industry with new methods of
knowledge management, helping surveyors continuously to update their
academic and professional profiles.
- Advancing educational business and curriculum tuning processes.
- Promoting content development experiences, facilitating international
researches in surveying education and training and to initiate joint
projects on this field (curriculum development, educational material
development, joint courses, quality assurance etc.).
- Strengthening knowledge transfer between FIG Commissions, inspiring
activities on knowledge networks.
- Improving dissemination of information on educational theory and
practice to the members across the world.
- Reinforcing contacts to Educational Commissions of International
Organisations on the related professions (ICA, ISPRS, AGILE, IAG etc.)
The Commission 2 Work Plan 2007-2010 building on the experiences of the
previous period tries to fulfill and implement the FIG Council Work Plan.
Commission 2 in general aims
- To perform needs analysis of Commission representatives and FIG Academic
- To develop further the FIG Educational database and facilities using
educational and internet standards
- To organize annual workshops on actual topics related to education and
- To investigate the use of information and communication technology to
support networked professional education.
- To organise jointly International / Regional Summer Schools for solving
problems, filling educational gaps and for building communities within young
The mission and aims will be realized by the following Working Groups:
WG 2.1 "Curriculum development"
Quality curriculum and instruction are - as they have always been - the
bedrock of education and the way to developing thoughtful and fulfilled
professionals. The society, science and technology around our profession are
changing rapidly. These changes continuously generate new educational and
training needs, which should be responded by educators to ensure that their
learners gain knowledge as effectively and efficiently as possible.
WG 2.2 "e-Learning"
To successfully disseminate the knowledge, it is essential to have an
up-to-date learning environment. Thanks to the development in information and
communication technologies, there have been lots of possibilities and tools
re-engineer the classical teaching methods. Because of e-Learning methods are
expected to play an increasing role in professional education there is a growing
need for knowledge transfer on this field.
WG 2.3 "Educational Management and Marketing"
Knowledge dissemination is not only a methodological / technical problem.
Institutes have to own the rights how the published materials may be available
for others as well as taking commercial aspects into account. According to the
rapidly changing world and demands in professional education business-based
survey can help us to manage successful curricula.
FIG Working Weeks are inspired to give general overview on the results of the
Working Groups while the Commission 2 working group workshops will focus on
Policy issues
- To support the mobility among professionals, teaching staff and
students using credit transfer.
- To support the implementation of „Bologna” changes (BSc / MSc / PhD /
Professional masters) and recognition.
- To facilitate the harmonization of curricula.
- To define a “core knowledge base”.
- To guarantee life-long learning with educational and training
- To serve the needs in the new professional challenges.
- To exchange ideas on Quality Management and Accreditation.
Prof Bela Markus
Szekesfehervar, Hungary
E-mail: mb[at] |
Specific projects
- 7-9 June, 2007 - Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic
Final report
- It will be given during the Congress in Sydney.
Policy issues
- To explore the movement from traditional face-to-face teaching towards an
integrated learning environment, the changing role of the academic staff.
- To discuss the technical, political, legal, organisational and cultural
problems of e-Learning.
- To exchange experiences on content development methods (Multimedia, CBT,
Quizzes etc) and student support (Virtual Club / Library, Communication
techniques, Teamwork tools).
- To identify the Educational Portal functions
- To disseminate Educational Metadata
Ir. E.M.C. (Liza) Groenendijk
groenendijk[at] |
- June 2008 - Enschede (Netherlands)
Final report
- It will be given during the Congress in Sydney.
Policy issues
- To observe and register the new challenges of our profession respond
to them.
- To survey the needs for academic members and provide required
- To analyse the market and respond by LLL services.
- To promote the need on CPD (Continuous Professional Development).
- To disseminate experiences in recruitment and marketing.
- To distribute know-how in Project and Quality Management.
- To encourage young surveyors (students) on their career.
- To serve ALUMNI and use its power.
- To build twinning and thematic networks.
Gert Steinkellner
BEV (Vienna, Austria)
- June 2009 - Vienna (Austria)
Final report
- It will be given during the Congress in Sydney.
Commission 2 will inform its delegates and member associations via Commission
By the end of period 2006-2010 Commission 2 will deliver a publication on ‘The
Future of Surveying Education’. This would be the main outcome of four years
activity that will include as follows
- Publications in e-Learning
- Methods
- Web services
- Knowledge pool
- Experiences in Continuing Professional Development and Life-long Learning
- Educational SDI
- Meta-database
- Global and Regional Networks
- Best practices
- Workshops
- Summer schools
- Joint projects
Calendar of Events
- Scientia Est Potentia - Knowledge is power. FIG Commission 2
Symposium. 7-9 June 2007, Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech
Web site:
- Workshop on Curriculum Development,
- Workshop on e-Learning, June 2008, Enschede (Netherlands)
- Workshop on Educational management and marketing, June 2009, Vienna,
Commission Officers
Commission Chair
Prof. Bela Markus
Faculty of Geoinformatics
University of West Hungary
Pirosalma u. 1-3
P.O. Box 52
H-8000 Szekesfehervar
Tel. + 36 22 516 523
Fax + 36 22 516 521
Email: |
Chair Elect, 2009-2010
Prof. Dr. Steven Frank
Head of Surveying Engineering Program
New Mexico State University
PO Box 30001, MSC 3566
Las Cruces, NM 88003
Tel + 1 575 646 8171
Fax + 1 575 646 6107
Email: |
Vice Chair of Administration
Tamas Jancso
Faculty of Geoinformatics
University of West Hungary
Pirosalma u. 1-3
P.O. Box 52
H-8000 Szekesfehervar
Tel. + 36 22 516 522
Fax + 36 22 516 521
Email: |
Chair Working Group 2.1 - Curriculum development
Prof. Bela Markus
Faculty of Geoinformatics
University of West Hungary
Pirosalma u. 1-3
P.O. Box 52
H-8000 Szekesfehervar
Tel. + 36 22 516 523
Fax + 36 22 516 521
Email: |
Chair Working Group 2.2 - e-Learning
Ir. E.M.C. (Liza) Groenendijk
Lecturer/Instructional Designer
Department for Urban and Regional Planning and Geo-Information Management
International Institute for Geo-information Science and Earth Observation
P.O.Box 6
7500 AA Enschede
Tel. +31 53 4874 528
Fax + 31 53 4874 575
E-mail: |
Chair Working Group 2.3 - Educational management and marketing
Mr. Gert Steinkellner
Federal Office of Metrology and Surveying
Schiffamtsgasse 1-3
A-1025 Wien
Tel. + 43 1 211 76 4604
Fax + 43 1 216 7550
Email: |
Vice Chair and Chair of WG 2.4
Prof. Arvo Vitikainen
Helsinki University of Technology
Institute of Real Estate Studies
P.O. Box 1200
FIN-02015 HUT
Tel. + 358 9 451 3872
Fax + 358 9 465 077
E-mail: |
21 December 2006