FIG Commission 2

Report to 64th PC Meeting in Singapore, May 1997
The year 1996 has seen a number of important achievements for Commission2
including improvements of the working groups, promotion of CPD, establishment of
the surveying education database and a home page for Commission 2, and, finally,
the Commission 2 workshop held in Helsinki September 1996.
1. Working Groups
WG 2A. Continuing Professional Development.
The working group, chaired by Tom Kennie (UK) has completed its work on CPD
concepts. A draft for a FIG publication was adopted in Buenos Aires and was
published in October as FIG Publication no 15. The publication describes what is
effective CPD and how it can be used as a strategic tool to develop and enhance
professional competence. The publication was very well received and Commission 2
is grateful to Tom Kennie for the result achieved.
WG 2B. Management Skills, Chair: Prof. Chris Hoogsteden, NZ.
The working group presented a mid-way report for discussion at the Commission 2
seminar during the FIG working week in Buenos Aires, April 1996. The working
group is enlarged to include the issues of implementation and provision of CPD.
An initial paper on provision of CPD is prepared for presentation at the joint
Commission 1 and 2 symposium in Singapore, May 1997. A final report will be
prepared for discussion at a special session during the Congress in Brighton.
WG 2C. Exchange of Personnel and Students.
The working group chaired by Mr. Bo Nyberg (S) has completed a survey regarding
exchange of personnel and students. At the Commission 2 meeting in Buenos Aires
it was agreed that the issue of exchange of personnel and students should be
seen as a means of implementing CPD concepts and included in the working group
of Management Skills.
WG 2D. Quality Assurance, Chair: Prof. Peter Morgan, UK.
An initial report was presented at the Commission 2 symposium in Buenos Aires,
April 1996. The issue was further developed and discussed during the Commission
2 workshop in Helsinki. A survey on quality assurance is conducted and a policy
paper is prepared for presentation at the joint Commission 1 and 2 Symposium in
Singapore, May 1996.
WG 2E. Computer Assisted Learning, Chair: Prof. Kirsi Artimo, SF.
The working group presented its initial results for discussion at the Commission
2 workshop in Helsinki, September 1996, based on a comprehensive survey on CAL
in surveying education. The results of the working group and the future aims
will be reported and discussed at a special session during the Congress in
2. Surveying Education Data Base
The work on establishing a database of surveying institutions is now
completed and the result is available on the Internet. The database includes
more than 40 countries and information on more than 300 surveying courses at
university level. A demonstration during the Singapore meeting will promote the
use of the database for facilitating international exchange and cooperation.
3. Support of Developing Countries
Commission chairman has supported the efforts of the Fiji Institution of
Surveyors to establish a four-year surveying programme for the South Pacific
Island Countries. Following the PC meeting in Buenos Aires the Commission
chairman supported the University of Patagonia, Argentina, to review and develop
their surveying course.
4. Commission 2 Workshop in Helsinki, September 1996
The Commission 2 workshop on Computer Assisted Learning and Achieving
Quality in The Education of Surveyors was held in Helsinki 4-6 September 1996.
The symposium was organised by the vice chair prof. Kirsi Artimo and it
attracted 47 participants from 17 different countries around the world. In the
programme 27 papers from 10 different countries were presented. The workshop
provided an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas and develop means of action
for the future work of commission 2.
5. Participation and Collaboration
Commission chairman and officers participated in a number of international
seminars and presented papers to promote the Commission 2 profile and
activities. These seminars were:
The Nordic Congress of Surveyors, Bergen, Norway, 1-4 July 1996.
The FIG Commission 2 Workshop, Helsinki, 4-6 September 1996
The FIG Commission 3 Seminar, Copenhagen, 28-30 October 1996
6. Forthcoming Events
Commission 2 will chair and contribute to the joint Commission 1 and 2
symposium during the FIG working week in Singapore, May 1997.
Commission 2 will sponsor and contribute to the XVI North American Teachers
Conference which will take place 9-12 June 1997, Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA.
Commission chairman and officers will participate and present papers to promote
FIG Commission 2 activities.
Commission 2 will organise a number of interesting events during the FIG
Congress in Brighton, July 1998.
February 1997
Stig Enemark
Chairman of FIG Commission 2
Last modified: May 1997