FIG Internal Task Forces

Review of Commission, Task Force and Permanent Institution
Structure 2000-2002
Dr. Tom Kennie |
Terms of reference
The work of the original Task Force on the Future Governance
of FIG is, subject to the final drafting of the statutes, nearing completion. In
parallel an additional group will start work on the more specific issue of
reviewing the existing structure of the Commissions, Task forces and Permanent
Institutions of FIG.
In the light of:
- The changes which have been occurring in the practice of surveying
- The strategic priorities of the FIG
- The need to integrate and coordinate the various work groups contributing
to the work of the FIG (i.e. the Commissions, Task Forces and Permanent
- The existing and future work plans of the Technical/Professional
Commissions of the FIG
- The need for the FIG to assure itself of ongoing financial support, and
- The new statutes relating to the Governance and Management of the FIG,
To consider and make recommendations for any changes to:
(a) Structural Issues
- The current structure of the Commissions, Task Forces and Permanent
- The process of identifying and electing members to progress the
Technical/Professional work of the FIG
- The existing structure and links between the Council strategy and the Task
Forces, the Technical/Professional Commissions and the Permanent
Institutions, and
- Enhance the linkages between the elected posts in the management structure
and the technical work of the FIG.
(b) Working Weeks and Congresses
To also consider and make recommendations for any changes to:
- The balance of responsibilities and the financial arrangements associated
with the decision to award a Working Week/Congress to one, or more Member Associations.
Task Force members
Tom Kennie
Ranmore Consulting Group
Ranmore Manor
Nr Dorking
Surrey RH5 6SX
Tel. + 44 7050 351 649
Fax. + 44 1483 283 040