News in 2020

Aubrey Barker Fund/FIG Foundation
Course Development Grant Recipient
April 2020
FIG Foundation and Aubrey Barker Fund have togeher published the "Course
Development Grant".
It is a pleasure for FIG Foundation to cooperate with the Aubrey
Barker Fund on this special grant.
Application deadline was 1 October 2019. Of the received
applications, it is a pleasure to announce that after the second round
of applications a recipient of this special grant has been found:

Dr Trias Aditya from the Department of Geodetic
Engineering of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Indonesia
for his application for:
A Blended Learning Course Design in Fit for Purposes’
Cadastral Survey
Background to the Project
This project is set in Indonesia, the home of millions of land
parcels spreading across numerous populated islands, both big and small
islands, many of which have not been mapped and registered by the
country. Under the current legal and institutional framework, systematic
land titling activities from village to village are expensive and take a
long time to complete. Land titling activities are impossible without a
complete cadastral map and active participation from communities and
government officers.
The International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) has published
principles and guidelines to give a way forward to accelerate the land
registration progress, called Fit for Purposes Land Administration
What is required is a paradigm shift from a top-down traditional
cadastral survey and mapping into a bottom-up modern cadastral survey
for accelerated land registration. This is currently lacking. To effect
the changes requires a combination of modern survey techniques and
community participation applying FFP-LA principles in order to
accelerate and assure the quality of the land registration.
Short Description of the Project
The project will develop a learning platform applying blended
learning practices (a combination of online courses and field visit
interactions) in FFP Cadastral Survey (FFP-CS) for both in-house
students and para surveyors (i.e. local representatives in the
community) across the country. The project will develop course
objectives, student outcomes and teaching materials of FFP-CS adhering
to the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET)
standards. An online assessment and certification system involving the
Project Team’s University, National Land Agency and The Association of
Surveyors will also be developed in the project. This blended learning
program will produce an excellent capstone design for ABET curriculum
and will speed up the community readiness for FFP-CS implementation.
The Grant
The Aubrey Barker in collaboration with FIG Foundation Grant will
provide a grant of GBP 20,000 for two years to this project to be run by
Dr Trias Aditya from the Department of Geodetic Engineering of
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Indonesia.
Good luck to Dr Trias Aditya for his course project. We will follow
up with more news on the progress of the project.
Louise Friis-Hansen
24 April 2020