News in 2017

New Book ‘GNSS Survey & Engineering’
Geomares Education is introducing a new book ‘GNSS Survey &
Engineering’, written by Huibert-Jan Lekkerkerk. GNSS Survey &
Engineering aims at providing the everyday professional GPS user with
enough background for the understanding and correct operation of
satellite navigation equipment in general and GPS in particular. Today,
GPS is almost synonymous with simple navigation and positioning in
nearly all sectors. There are many brands and models to choose from and
prices are low. Even so, thorough knowledge of satellite navigation
seems to be private to specialists like geodesists and manufacturers.
The group of daily users of GPS systems and data however is becoming
larger by the day.
The book is based on the lectures the author has written for the
Skilltrade course in hydrographic surveying as well as a series of
articles on satellite navigation systems.
The author of the book, Huibert-Jan Lekkerkerk, has bachelor degrees
in hydrographic surveying and maritime electronics as well as a masters
degree in geographic information management. From 2000 onwards he has
been involved as lecturer with Skilltrade and Maritiem Instituut Willem
Barentsz. He has written many articles on surveying in general and GNSS
in particular for various publications and he has performed reviews and
tests of GNSS equipment.
The publisher of the book, Geomares Education, Lemmer, The
Netherlands, holds several ECDIS and e-navigation products in its
portfolio such as The Electronic Chart Fundamentals, Functions, Data and
other Essentials A Textbook for ECDIS Use and Training by Hecht et al. (
and the training books ECDIS BASICS and Voyage Planning with ECDIS. The
new book GNSS Survey & Engineering will be available via the online
store at at the price
of EUR59 (excl. VAT if applicable).
General information
Title: GNSS Survey & Engineering. Handbook for Surveyors and Survey
Publisher: Geomares Education
ISBN 978-90-825818-2-9
Price: €59
Number of pages: 236
Orders via: (For larger
quantities or inquiries, ask Myrthe van der Schuit at or +31 514 56 1854)
25 January 2017