News in 2015

FIG President attends WPLA Workshop
Real Estate Rights' and Cadastre Registration as an Element for
Development of Land Management System
25-26 June 2015, Moscow, Russia

The participants at the WPLA Workshop
The Workshop on "Real Estate Rights' and Cadastre Registration as an
Element for Development of Land Management System" was held 25 and 26
June 2015 in Moscow, Russian Federation. It was co-organized by the
UNECE WPLA and Rosreestr, the Federal Service for State Registration,
Cadastre and Cartography of the Russian Federation, a member of FIG. FIG
President, Prof Chryssy Potsiou, as a UNECE WPLA bureau
member participated in the workshop.
The purpose of the workshop was to share experience and practices in
registration and cadastral systems enhancement within the framework of
land administration. The seminar covered issues of registration and
cadastral systems development, the use of information technologies aimed
at improving the mentioned systems, as well as issues of information
interaction between subjects of land administration.
In total 123 delegates from 25 countries participated in the
workshop. The Russian real estate cadastral data base contains 56 313
891 Land plots and 99 188 074 construction units (including apartments,
buildings in progress etc), information about administrative boundaries
and special land-use information. Mr Igor Vasiliev, Head of Rosreestr,
Russian Federation, and all other Russian government representatives
have demonstrated the progress of the Russian land administration
project and its strong commitment to implement modern property market
services and create a favorable environment for investment on real
estate in the country. The progress of the Russian cadastre and its long
and close cooperation with the World Bank was presented. The Russian
Federation was upgraded in the WB Doing Business list from the position
112 (in the list of 2013) to the position 93 (in the list of 2014).
the information and presentations from the Moscow workshop are awailabe on the
workshop website:

Chryssy Potsiou and Amie Figueiredo, UNECE WPLA secretary

Chryssy Potsiou chairing Session IV: Informational cooperation
of governmental and municipal authorities for territory
development. How can sharing property related information
benefit municipal and national government land administration?
Group photo with Mr Elshad Khanalibayli, chair of UNEE WPLA and
Mr Igor Vasiliev, Head of Rosreestr, Russian Federation, in the
middle. |

Chryssy Potsiou
FIG President
August 2015