News in 2013

Report: The IX international exhibition and scientific
“Advanced Geospatial and Surveying Technologies for Environmental
Management and Sustainable Territorial Development”
Novo Siberia, Russian Federation 16 - 18 April 2013

The IX international geo-forum “Interexpo GEO-Siberia-2013” finished its
work on April 26, 2013.
The official support for all events within “Interexpo GEO-Siberia-2013”
was rendered by public authorities, Administration of Novosibirsk Region,
specialized associations, unions, and companies.
The participants and guests of the exhibition and forum were welcomed on
the official ceremony by Vasily A. Yurchenko, Governor of Novosibirsk
Region, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karl-Friedrich Thöne, President of DVW, Germany, and
Prof. Dr. Alexander P. Karpik, Rector of Siberian State Academy of Geodesy
Speakers have expressed thanks to organizers for their great contribution
to the development of international geodetic community’s activity and wished
success, fruitful work and new business contacts to exhibitors and
The diversity of topics and wide geography of participants once again
confirmed the high level of “Interexpo GEO-Siberia” forum as one of leading
events in geo-industry.
For the leading foreign and Russian companies “Interexpo GEO-Siberia” has
become as a traditional platform for exhibiting new state-of-the-art
surveying instruments, navigation equipment, software, GIS technologies for
engineering surveys, field works, different municipal services used for
natural ecosystems condition monitoring, information and navigation
complexes, etc.
More than 91 companies from 26 cities of the Russian Federation, as well
as near and far abroad countries demonstrated a wide range of their
products. Among them were the following companies: Geostroyiziskaniya,
Topcon, Sokkia, Geo-Alliance, SCANEX R&D Center, Research Centre for Earth
Operative Monitoring, Ural Optical Mechanics Plant, Regio Infra, Racurs,
Jena Instrument, GeoCad Plus, KB Panorama, SATEL OY, Sovzond, ArtGeo,
PC-Soft GmbH, GEOkomm, navXperience GmbH, KOLIDA, Kassandana,
Zapsiblesproject, Inter-Geo, Institutes of SB RAS, GISware Integro, Michael
s.r.o., Barthauer Software, Innoter, GPScom, GNSS Plus, Scientific and
Research Centre of Space Hydrometeorology “Planeta”, Credo-Dialogue,
National Research Irkutsk State Technical University, Tomsk Polytechnic
University, and other companies. The Czech delegation exhibited for the
first time.
About 2,000 Russian and foreign professionals researchers, lecturers,
administrative structures from 235 companies and organizations, 55 cities of
Russia, countries near and far abroad - Austria, England, Alaska, Germany,
Israel, Kazakhstan, Canada, China, Mongolia, Norway, Nigeria, the
Netherlands, ОАЕ, Saxony, the USA, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Finland, Czech
Republic, Switzerland, Sweden, Japan have taken part in the extensive
business program of the forum, and made acquainted with an exhibition
Siberian State Academy of Geodesy has published the technical programme
and congress proceedings in 22 volumes.
The international workshop on “The Risk and Emergency Management Circle:
How to Support it by Cartography, Geoinformatics, GPS and Remote Sensing?”
was one of remarkable events within “Interexpo Geo-Siberia-2013” which was
held on April 25, 2013. The workshop was organized by the ICA Working Group
on Cartography on Early Warning and Crisis Management, the International
Society for Digital Earth (ISDE), and Siberian State Academy of Geodesy
(SSGA). The first ISPRS Working Group IV/2 workshop on “Global Geospatial
Information” was the second remarkable event.
The various round-table discussions have covered the most actual topics
on applications of advanced technologies and techniques of geodetic
measurements in various industries and managing: “Geoinformation
Technologies as Current Tools for Municipal Administration”, “Contemporary
Challenges in Surveying and Mine Surveying for Mineral Resources, Oil and
Gas Industries. Exploration and Prospecting of Mineral Resources”, “3D
Objects and Territories Modeling and Design”, “Up-to-Date Forest Fund Data
Acquisition and Interpretation Technologies and Their Role in Increasing the
Efficiency of Forest Conservation”, “Worldwide Trends in Near-Earth Space
Investigations. The Role of Planetariums for the Promotion of Astronomy”,
“The Formation of State-of-the-Art Education Models within Global
Education”, etc.
The exhibition and forum “Interexpo Geo-Siberia-2013” were traditionally
finished by congratulations of the best winners according to the results of
“The Gold Medal of “Interexpo Geo-Siberia” Contest.
Organizers: Siberian State Academy of Geodesy LLC “Interexpo GeoSiberia”
General sponsors: Geostroyiziskaniya, CJSC, Moscow, Russia
Sponsors: ArtGeo, Ltd., Moscow, Russia Rakurs, JCSC, Moscow, Russia
Additional information:
28 May 2013