Conference and Seminar Proceedings

Surveying and BIM Classroom
10 September 2022, Warsaw, Poland
Scope of the Workshop:
- Teaching theoretical background of the BIM method (concepts,
workflows and standards)
- Best practice presentations from large projects and SME (from
surveyor’s point of view)
- Presentation of the latest software (surveying, integration and
collaboration with BIM, CAD, GIS)
- International professionals from AEC-companies (engineering
surveyors) and land administration agencies (land surveyors).
- Young professionals interested in this new technology for own
- Academics from different countries (just a few universities
teach BIM until now)
- Selected students and young professionals from the FIG Young
Surveyors Network.
The workshop is organised by Christian Clemen,
Germany, HTW Dresden, Prof. Tomasz Owerko and
Szymon Glinka
(AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow)
Lecture “Basics on BIM for Surveyors”
- BIM definition
- BIM use cases (just a few)
- What is BIM software?
- Geometry and Topology in BIM
- Georeferencing of BIM Models
- Semantics in BIM
- BIM and Engineering Surveying
- BIM vs .GIS
- Short overview on international standards
Click here for the slides
Best Practice and Research Reports
Managing the Cost and Carbon Footprint with BIM and GIS
Kindler, former Head of BIM at Skanska, now CEO of
Coordination of Geotechnical and BIM Standardization
Patryk Żak, Head of BIM at CPK,
Transport Hub Poland
Click here for the slides
Extracting Geospatial Information from IFC Files
Prof. Tomasz
Owerko and Dr. Szymon Glinka (AGH University of Science and
Technology, Krakow)
Click here for the slides
Real scale VR of turbines as a tool of work
Piotr Sadowski,
F.E.W. Baltic II
Project, RWE Power
Click here for the slides
Active work in groups (choose one)
- Use cases for “surveying and BIM”
- Use cases for “geodata and BIM”
- Georeferencing 3D-BIM models
- OpenBIM collaboration with IFC and BCF
- Establish BIM in a small and medium sized enterprise (SME)
- …
Followed by 5 minute presentations
- Presentation of groupwork
- Open discussion
End workshop
19:00 |
Post preworkshop dinner (included to workshop
fee, casual, Modern Polish food and drinks, close to Metro Politechnika) |