Welcome to Yaounde, Cameroon

Daniel Chair Welcoming participants of Commission 7 in Yaounde, Cameroon

Commission 7 Annual meeting

Claire Galpin explain the Capacity development approach of GLTN

Daniel Roberge gives his key note speaking

Christiaan Lemmen gives a presention on Issues with Land Administration

A General Assembly with international participants and Cameroon participants

General Assembly

<= Christiaan Lemmen, Stig Enemark and Commission 7
     members in discussion

International Participants group right after the Symposium

<= Exhibition with Trimble GPS sets

Country reports

Mr. Jang, Bongbae(South Korea) has been explaining the Korean Cadastre system

Kees De Zeeuw has been explaining the Kadastre in the Netherland

Dr. Nuhu from NIgeria

Conference hall (coffee break with famous Ginger Juice)

Dr. Il Kim from South Korea

, Leiv Bjarte Mjøs from Norway

Dr. Kristin Land and Marija Juric Lantmäteriet, Sweden

Sweden and Korean delegates together !


Mefou National Park 

Curiosity for each others

A Chimpanzee on the tree 

A sign board in the park

Gathering under a huge tree during the hiking

New species we had found !


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