General Assembly I - Sunday 8 October - Morning |

The General Assembly was opened with a moment to silence to appreciate
the memory of those active FIG members that had passed away during the
last year... |

... Mr. Abdel Munem Samara from Jordan, Prof. Kazimierz
Czarnecki from Poland and Mr. Geza Apagyi from Hungary.

The General Assembly was attended altogether by 65 member associations
out of 102.

The meeting room at Holiday Inn was fully packed during most of the
meetings. Together with observers there were up to 300 people following
the meetings for two days. |

Delegations represented old members (e.g. Lebanon)... |

... and new ones from Macedonia FYROM and Hong Kong SAR, China. |

Two member associations from Finland (MIL and MAKLI) sharing a table.

Prof. Pedro Cavero (Comm. 2) and Klaus Rürup (Comm. 1)
concluded their term of office as Commission chair in Munich. |

Robert W. Foster, Chair of the Nomination Review Group and
John Hohol, President of the FIG Foundation. |

FIG Honorary Presidents and Members: Dr. Juha Talvitie, Earl
James, Pekka Raitanen and Dr. Ivan Katzarsky. |

FIG Council: Holger Magel, Andreas Drees, Stig Enemark,
Ken Allred and Thomas Gollwitzer. |

Holger Magel, Andreas Drees and Stig Enemark.

Among membership issues the application from HKInstES raised discussion
- here President Wong Chung Hang from HKIS making his statement
... |

... and Mr. Mannars Chan from HKinstES presenting the

Decision on the HKInstES membership was made in a tight vote with

The General Assembly appointed two new Honorary members: Prof.
Kazimierz Czarnecki from Poland, who was awarded posthumously. His
daughter Dr. Adriana Pulecka receives the certificate from
President Magel. |


Thomas Glatthard from geosuisse presented the other new Honorary
Member: Jürg Kaufmann, "father of Cadastre 2014". |

President Magel and Jürg Kaufmann. |


Jürg Kaufmann giving his thanks to the team that was behind the FIG
bestseller "Cadastre 2014". |

FIG Commission Chairs 2002-2006 preparing to their final reports to the
General Assembly. |

Klaus Rürup, Commission 1. |

Prof. Pedro Cavero, Commission 2. |

Gerhard Muggenhuber, Commission 3. |

Adam Greenland, Commission 4. |

Matt Higgins, Commission 5. |

Svend Kold Johansen, Commission 6. |

Prof. Paul van der Molen, Commission 7. |

Dr. Diane Dumashie, Commission 8. |

Stephen Yip, Commission 9. |

Philip Shearer, Commission 10. |

Commission Chairs receiving appreciation for theirwork as commission
leaders for the last four years. |

General Assembly I - Sunday 8 October - Afternoon |

Member associations checking the material supporting the bids for FIG
Working Week 2011.

The chairs for the observers were fully packed also in the afternoon
when the introduction candidates for Council elections and venue for
Working Week 2011 took place. |

General Assembly. |

FIG Council. |

Vice President Andreas Drees. |

Congress Director Thomas Gollwitzer. |

Dr. Dalal Alnaggar from ECSM from Egypt reported on the results
of the FIG Working Week in Cairo. The reports of the outcome of FIG
events was on the agenda for the first time. |

Senior Vice President Samuel Ofori-Offei makes the report on the
Regional Conference in Accra on behalf of GhIS.

Among the four publications launched at the General Assembly was the FIG
Guidelines on Under-represented group, a report from task force chaired
by Gabriele Dasse, who here receives her certificate of
appreciation from President Magel. |

New Commission chairs presented their draft work plans at the first
session of the General Assembly.

The report was presented on behalf all chairs by Dr. Chryssy Potsiou,
ACCO representative in the Council for 2007-2008.

The three candidates for the next FIG President were all current Vice
Presidents: Ken Allred from Canada, Stig Enemark from Denmark and
T.N. Wong from Hong Kong SAR, China |

There were two candidates for the two open post of Vice Presidents: Dr.
Dalal Alnaggar and Matt Higgins. For the third (optional post) the
candidates were Prof. Ralf Schroth from Germany ... |

... and Prof. Paul van der Molen from the Netherlands.

Even though the elections took place at the second session of the
General Assembly, there was a voting on the issue which member
associations have right to vote. |

Votes were counted by two tellers: Volkmar Teetzmann from Germany
and Dalal Alnaggar from Egypt.

Bids to host FIG Working Week 2011 were received from four member
associations. Here the Italian presentation is made by Geom. Piero
Panunzi, President of CNG. |

Member associations following the presentation and video from Italy
showing Rome and the role of surveyors in Italy.

The bid from ONIGT, Morocco was made by Aziz Hilali, President of
ONIGT supported by the mayor of Marrakech, the proposed conference
venue. |

President Magel was given the key to the City of Marrakech:

Big Moroccan delegation attended the meeting to support the bid.

The Council members of NIS from Nigeria made their bid for Abuja. The
Nigerian delegation to the congress was the second biggest after the
hosting country. |


The fourth bid was presented by Prof. Linda L. Vélez, President
of CIAPR for Puerto Rico. |