The poster of FIG Congress 2006 adopted to celebrate President Magel's
60th birthday.

Participants studying the exhibition of Master Programme projects.
More than 250 participants gathered to the Hans Heinrich Meinke Hall at
the Technical University of Munich to celebrate Univ. Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Holger Magel on his 60th birthday. A full-day symposium was
organised to celebrate not only Prof. Magel's birthday but also the 30th
Anniversary of the Chair of Land Readjustment and Land Development at
the TUM (now the Centre of Land Management and Land Tenure) and Prof.
Magel's 10th Anniversary as the President of the Bayerischen Akademie
Ländlicher Raum e.V. The Symposium was at the same time the 6th
Münchener Tage der Bodenordnung und Landentwicklung. The
keynote speech was given by Mr. Alois Glück, President of the
Bavarian Parliament (Bayerischen Landtag). Among greetings were
Mr. Josef Miller, Bavarian Minister for Agriculture and Forestry,
Univ. Prof. Reiner Rummel, Dean of the Faculty Bauingenieur- und
Vermessunsgwesen at the TUM and Dr.
Jürgen Busse, Vice President of ALR. The International greeting on
behalf of the FIG member associations was given by Prof. Stig Enemark,
President of the Danish FIG member association DdL.
At the seminar in the afternoon the speakers includes Dr.-Ing
Irene Wiese - von Ofen, President of IFHP, Dipl.-Ing. Willi
Zimmermann, GTZ, Dr.-Ing. Andreas Drees, FIG Vice President
and representative of the private surveyors in Germany. Other
international speakers were Univ.-Doz. Anton Prosen from Slovenia
and two international students in the Master and PhD courses at the TUM,
Ms. Judy Wambui Kariuki and Dipl.-Ing. agr. Francisco Obreque.
Two strong ladies Dipl.-Ing. Huberta Bock and Dipl.-Geogr.
Babette Wehrmann were in charge for the practical arrangements of
this memorable event.
FIG Council had its meeting linked to the ceremony 2 May discussing
the remaining issues for the General Assembly in Athens which starts 22
May 2004. |

Prof. Reiner Rummel gave Ms. Babette Wehrmann the
university prize with TUM outfit. |

Holger Magel receiving the Big Bavarian Lion from Josef Miller,
Bavarian Minister for Agriculture and Forestry. |

Mr. Gerhard Hess, Chairman of the Földerkreises Bodenordnung
und Lantentwicklung München e.V. |

Prof Stig Enemark, President of DdL bringing greetings from FIG
members. |

Dr.-Ing. Horst Karmann and Dipl.-Ing.
Josef Attenberger are the editors behind the celebration book that
includes articles from 80 authors. |

Behind the strong man there is always a strong woman, in this case
President's wife Ansi Magel. |