General Assembly

FIG is administerd by the General Assembly which meets annually during the FIG working week or the FIG congress. The General Assembly comprises of delegates of the member associations and, as non-voting members,the Council, commission chairs and representatives of affiliates, corporate members and academic members. The General Assembly debates and approves policies. Policies are implemented by the Council, which meets several times a year.


The Council is elected by the General Assembly. The Council consists of the President (elected for four year term of office) and four Vice Presidents (term of office is four years) with two of the Vice
Presidents being elected every second year, and coming from different countries throughout the world. In addition commission chairs appoint their representative to the Council.

Other administrative organs

The work of the General Assembly and the Council is assisted by an Advisory Committee of Commission Officers (ACCO); ad hoc task forces appointed from time to time to review existing work plans; three networks; and two permanent institutions.


FIG’s technical work is led by ten commissions. Each member association appoints a delegate to each of the commissions. Detailed information on the work of the commissions, The commissions prepare and conduct the programme for FIG’s international congresses, held every four years, and annual working weeks, held in the intervening years.

FIG Office

FIG Office is in the service for its members and offers e.g. meeting facilities.

The day-to-day management of FIG is undertaken by the permanent office in Copenhagen, Denmark:

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