FIG Commission 2 - Professional Education |
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Commission 2 and 7 Annual Meeting - Register now2-4 October 2023 The joint FIG Commission 2 and 7
annual meeting will take place in Deventer, the
Netherlands. whether you are an official FIG C2
delegate of a Member Association, FIG C2 Working
Group participant, a land sector expert (technical,
legal, social, economic), or just have a keen
interest in getting involved with developments in
cadastres and land management globally, be sure to
get along. Commission 2 at FIG Working Week 2023FIG Working Week 2023 took place
28 May - 1 june 2023 in Orlando, Florida. >
Work Plan Academic Forum October 2022Each year the Academic Members meet at the Academic Forum held in conjunction with the FIG Working Week. This year the Forum was held in conjunchtion with FAO. More details and concept note Commission 2 at FIG Congress 2022 in Warsaw, PolandOctober 2022 The FIG Congress 2022, Warsaw, Poland was a real success, especially that it was face-to-face event after 3 years. This was noticeable with the happy and joyful surveying experts attending it from all around the world. Commission 2 was busy at the Congress with 6 sessions by the Commission 2, including joint sessions with other commissions, and the Academic Forum (jointly with UNFAO).
A highlight at the Congress was a "broadcast" blended/hybrid session (on site and online) dedicated to the upcoming FIG publication ‘Enhancing Surveying Education through Blended Learning’ which gave insights of the content and the work so far in separate chapters of the book. We are very pleased at the number of Commission 2 members who have contributed to the writing of this publication and it will be published later in 2022. During the General Assembly Dimo Todorovski was formally elected as chair-elect of Commission 2 for the term 2023-2026 and we would like to congratulate Dimo and wish him all the very best for the next term. The Commission 2 meeting at the Congress was well attended and provided an update on work do date as well as the plans Dimo has for working groups and the workplan for the upcoming term. The meeting took outset in the prepared Report and Agenda. In addition, it is becoming a tradition that FIG
Commission 2 dinner is organized together with FIG Commission 1
which was also a case this time and it was a very enjoyable evening
in a friendly atmosphere. To read more about Congress, the full report FIG Congress 2022 is available.
FIG Commission 2, Virtual 2021 seminar and meetingSeptember 2021 Commission 2 would like to invite you to their Virtual 2021 FIG Commission 2 seminar and meeting, to be held as part of the 20 years celebrations of the ‘Centre for SDI and Land Administration’ at Melbourne University between 21st to 23rd of September 2021, and the Commission 7 Annual Meeting. All information on the event and the link to register can be found in this link. The online Commission 2 Seminar and Meeting will be held on Thursday 23rd at 4 pm Melbourne (8am CEST). This session will include an update of the working groups and also on our Commission 2 report "Blended Learning for Surveying". The session will also include presentations on work on each of the Commission 2 report chapters, including Q&A after each presentation:
The incoming chair Dimo Todorovski will also present his vision for the next term. Commission Chair, David Mitchell, invite you all to participate in this online event by joining using the zoom link below. Topic: FIG Commission 2 Meeting Time: Sep 23, 2021 04:00 PM
Australia/Melbourne Commision 2, Chair ElectAugust 2021
In the report from the General Assemble, you can also access the video presentation of the Candidate, Mr. Dimo Todorovski. Commission 2 at FIG Working Week 2021August 2021 The Working Week took place online, 20-25 June 2021. Commission 2 held its annual meeting with outset in their prepared Report and Agenda. Commission 2 was also involved in several sessions covering Commission 2 areas within the theme of Smart Surveyors for Land and Water Management.
To read more about Working Week 2021 in general, the full report FIG e-Working Week 2021 is available. Article: Key Global and Technology Drivers Impacting SurveyingFebruary 2021 The article was published in GIM International. As the FIG commission chairs are near the halfway point in their terms, they reflect on the global and technological drivers influencing their work. This article describes the breadth of work across the FIG commissions as well as the common areas. The discussion is also informed by global reports such as the UN-GGIM’s Future Trends in Geospatial Information Management and the RICS Futures Report 2020. Enjoy the article Newsletter - October 2020
Upcoming Commission 2 session at the Commission 7 Annual Meeting in OctoberWith the theme: Building community resilience: Urban-rural land linkages and strategies to deal with COVID-19 FIG Commission 7 is organising a virtual annual meeting. I am pleased to inform you that there is a very exciting agenda for the FIG Commission 7 Annual Meeting, which this year will be online between the 20th and 22nd of October. For full information see: I am also delighted that the Annual Meeting is free for FIG Commission 2 delegates. Please ensure you select this option when accessing the registration page (See the annual meeting webpage). As part of the Commission 7 Annual Meeting, Commission 2 will be running a session entitled “Blended learning: lessons from our responses to COVID:19” on Wednesday 21st at 5pm Sydney time (6am UTC) at this online webinar and the presenters are:
Followed by a discussion. We would be delighted if you could join this meeting. University of Glasgow’s response to the COVID19 crisis and the impact on teaching Geospatial Science and SurveyingAugust 2020 University of Glasgow has had to react quickly to the global pandemic. This has meant developing new ways of teaching for staff and of learning for our students. The pivot to remote working and online learning and assessment meant overcoming difficulties such as students and staff working from home, issues with technology, and health concerns, with field projects and work placements the most affected. This article, written by William Kelly, describes the experience of the University of Glasgow in making this transition during the COVID-19 pandemic. Enjoy the article.
FIG Working (from home) Week 2020 - ProceedingsMay 2020 During the conference days a range of articles highlighting the hot-topics, the ground breaking research, and the hidden gems in the proceedings was published. The focus of FIG Commission 2 is on innovative and effective professional education and training for surveyors. This article summarises the key Commission 2 highlights in the FIG2020 papers, and reflects on the impact of COVID-19 on surveying education. Read the article.
FIG Working Week 2020 has been cancelledMarch 2020 It is with deep sadness and heavy hearts that we announce the cancellation of this year’s FIG Working Week in Amsterdam due 10-14 May. This is not a decision we have taken lightly and there are two overriding concerns that have caused us to make this decision at this time. First, the Dutch Government announced new measurements to control the COVID-19 outbreak. In the Netherlands all gatherings are prohibited until 1 June. Second, our primary concern is always the wellbeing of you, and we would not take on the responsibility, during these times, to bring so many surveyors from all over the world together. Report to the General AssemblyMarch 2020 FIG Commission 2 has prepared a written report to the General assembly. The full agenda is available The General Assembly has been cancelled and postponed to 2021. FIG Working Week 2020 and FIG Commission 2February 2020 The theme Smart Surveyors for Land and Water Management is both relevant in a world where drinking water is a scarce resource, waste water needs to be recycled rather than seen as waste, where the sea needs to be better mapped and managed, where land resources need to be protected against sea-level rise, and where land-based fresh water habitats are threatened. Commission 2 is planning the following sessions:
Newsletter - October 2019Read the latest newsletter from Commission 2 with updates on the Working Group activities, call for papers for FIG Working Week 2020 and report from the Working Week 2019, incl the Academic Forum organised in cooperation with FAO. Commission 2 at FIG Working Week 2019The Working Week took place in Hanoi, Vietnam 22-26 April 2019. Commission 2 held its yearly meeting and was involved in several sessions covering the commission 2 areas and also in cooperation with among others FAO.
Newsletter - September 2017The Commission 2 Newsletter is now available. Read about:
Commisson 2 at the FIG Working Week 2017 in Helsinki, Finland 29 May - 2 JuneCommission 2 had its annual meeting during the FIG Working Week 2017 in Helsinki, Finland 29 May - 2 June 2017
Newsletter June 2016Commission 2 at the FIG Working Week 2016 in Christchurch, New Zealand 2-6 MayFIG Commission 2 on professional education is challenged by the need to address course themes from a broad spectrum. With major attention on teaching Building Information Management (BIM) on the one hand and training in ‘Holistic Thinking’ on the other hand. For the FIG Working Week in Helsinki a special session could be dedicated only on BIM. Distance and online education continue to be crucial particular for continuous professional development. The Academic Members present at the FIG Academic Members Forum decided to form a working group with the aim of exploring the VGGT from a surveying (and land professional) perspective by assessing practical examples of VGGT implementation in different countries. The outcome of this exploratory research could eventually result in a position paper. The working group intends to present the first outcome of their exploratory study during the FIG Working Week in Helsinki. This initiative is supported by FAO.
Participate in the giCASES survey on collaboration in GIS&T education!The European giCASES project is investigating how higher
education institutions are working together with private
companies and public administrations in the design and delivery
of GIS&T education in Europe. Therefore, giCASES would like to
invite individuals and organizations from the higher education
sector but also from the public and private sector to
participate in a survey on collaboration between higher
education institutions and other stakeholders in the design and
delivery of GIS&T education. The survey can be accessed here. giCASES is a Knowledge Alliance project under the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission. The project aims to enable and strengthen innovation in GIS&T education and practice, and facilitate the collaborative creation, management and sharing of knowledge between different stakeholders. The giCASES project will develop and test new, innovative and multidisciplinary approaches to teaching, learning and knowledge management in the area of GIS&T. The survey is the first step in the project, and will help the project partners to better understand current ways of collaboration in GIS&T education and the needs and expectations of different stakeholders regarding this collaboration. Should you have any comments or questions regarding this survey, please feel free to contact the survey organizers. Thank you in advance for your participation! We appreciate
your time and valuable input. Newsletter - June 2015FIG Commission 2 – ISPRS Kathmandu Workshop a great success!Kathmandu, Nepal, was from 25 – 27th of November 2015 the host
of the International Workshop on the Role of Land Professionals
and SDI in Disaster Risk Reduction in the context of Post 2015
Nepal Earthquake. What started as an initial idea for a possible
FIG Commission 2 Workshop resulted in a large joint event
together with ISPRS Technical Commission IV, and was supported
by FIG Commission 7. FIG Commission 2, Working Group 2.4 guided by Prof. Alias Abdul Rahman, is organizing a special Commission 2 session during the JIGC Conference in MalaysiaFrom 28 to 30 October in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia the Joint International Geoinformation Conference 2015 will be held. As part of the conference FIG Commission 2 organizes a special session on Geomatic Education. Prospective authors are encouraged to submit papers or extended abstracts for the event but not limited to:
Submission Deadlines: Fullpaper submission -
30 June Commission 2 at the FIG Working Week 2015 in Sofia, Bulgaria 17-21 May 2015
Commission 2 Workshop 2015, 25-27 November in Kathmandu, NepalThe Forthcoming FIG Commission 2 Workshop 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal "International Workshop on the Role of Land Professionals and SDI in Disaster Risk Reduction: in the Context of 'Post 2015 Nepal Earthquake" is a joint event of FIG Commission 2 and ISPRS Working Group IV/4 together with the Nepal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (NICS) and the Nepal Remote Sensing and Photogrammetric Society (NRSPS).
Commission 2 at the XXV FIG Congress 2014 in Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia
FIG Commission 2 had its Annual Meeting during the XXV FIG Congress 2014. Read also about the Technical Sessions and all the other activities that FIG Commission 2 was involved with during the busy time in Kuala Lumpur. |
ISPRS co-sponsored workshop on ?Innovative learning tools 2013 with specific emphasis on Strategies for Earth Resource Management? to be organized during 20 - 21 December, 2013 at CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India.
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Commission 2 had its annual meeting during the
FIG Working Week 2013 in Abuja, Nigeria, 6-10 May 2013.
Commission 2 report
FIG Commission 2 had its Annual Meeting during the XXV FIG Congress 2014. Read also about the Technical Sessions and all the other activities that FIG Commission 2 was involved with during the busy time in Kuala Lumpur. |
ISPRS co-sponsored workshop on ?Innovative learning tools 2013 with specific emphasis on Strategies for Earth Resource Management? to be organized during 20 - 21 December, 2013 at CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India.
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Commission 2 had its annual meeting during the
FIG Working Week 2013 in Abuja, Nigeria, 6-10 May 2013.
Commission 2 report
The 24th Biannual SaGES Colloquium & FIG Regional Conference takes
place 17-20 June 2013 in Texas at Tyler, USA. The conference is
co-organised by FIG Commission 2 and the Partnership Degree Program in
Surveying and Mapping at Tyler Junior College and the University of
Texas at Tyler.
Web site:
FIG Commission 2
International Workshop "Global trends and convergence in Surveying
Education" will be held 26 - 28 September, 2012, Moscow, Russia. The
Workshop is organised by FIG Commission 2 and Moscow State University of
Geodesy and Cartography, Economics and Land Management Faculty Web site:
Registration is now open:
Commission 2 had its annual meeting during the FIG Working Week 2012 in Rome, Italy, 6-10 May 2012. The General Assembly appointed Ms. Liza Groenendijk from The Netherlands as the Chair Elect of Commission 2 for 2013-2014.
21-25 October 2013 in Yaounde, Cameroon the 2nd Surveying Week: Building Capacities in Land Reforms and Land Management will be helt jointly with the annual assembly of Commission 2 and Commission 7 and the general assembly of the FGF. THe conference is organised by l'Ordre des G?m?res du Cameroun, FIG Commission 2 and Commission 7.
Surveying and Geomatic Educators Society Biannual Conference, advances in Geospatial Science and Engineering Education is held 19-22 July, 2011 in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, USA
Commission 2 had its annual meeting during the FIG Congress 2010 in Sydney, Australia, 11-16 April 2010. The General Assembly appointed Prof. Steven Frank from USA as the Chair of Commission 2 for 2011-2014.
FIG Commission 2 ? Professional Education and the University of East London will jointly organise a workshop in London, United Kingdom, 26-28 August 2010. The goals of the workshop are to share ideas and experiences in surveying education, and to meet potential collaborators for future research and cooperative teaching opportunities. The main topics are education standards and accreditation, e-learning, core surveying knowledge, good learning and teaching practices, cooperative learning and training, education management and marketing.
More details are available at
This question is often posed by prospective students, educators in secondary educational system and the general public. An example about the answer from Ireland is available now at The clip was developed by the Dublin Institute of Technology. It describes visually in detail the breadth of Geomatics professional competencies, the cross-sectoral nature of the discipline and the inter-professionalism of Geomatics as a potential career path. Provided by Helen Murray-O'Connor.
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FIG Commission 2 and the Austrian Society for Surveying
and Geoinformation organised a workshop in Vienna. Main
topics of this workshop were the "Recruitment of Students"
and the "Marketing of Professional Surveying Education". 74
participants from 20 countries attended.
more... Proceedings are now available. Workshop web site: |
Commission 2 Annual Meeting was held in Stockholm, Sweden during the
FIG Working Week 2008, 14-19 June 2008, web site of the conference: Proceedings, technical sessions and papers are
Commission 2 Annual Report for the General Assembly
as a .pdf-file.
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Proceedings of the FIG International Workshop - Sharing Good
Practices: E-learning in Surveying, Geo-Information Sciences and
Land Administration organised by FIG Commission 2, ITC
(International Institute for Geo-information Science and Earth
Observation) and Kadaster, The Netherlands. Report of the FIG International Workshop - Sharing Good Practices: E-learning in Surveying, Geo-Information Sciences and Land Administration: Sharing Good Practices in E-Learning at ITC, Enschede, The Netherlands, 11-13 June 2008 |
FIG Commission 2 has started Mentorship Programme Network together with Lund University. Initiative to this mentorship network was created during the the FIG-congress in Munich in October 2006. The aim is to create a worldwide network for student mentorship programmes. The programme has now started at Lund University (Sweden) for final year students at the MSc engineering programme in Land Surveying and Management. The student has got one professional land surveyor as his/her personal mentor during the final year of studies and thesis work. The mentorship programme is organised at Lund University, but integrated in the activities of the Swedish Association of Chartered Surveyors and the Swedish Society of Real Estate Economics. At the second phase the Network is now interested to get other universities involved. The leading idea is to create a network of membership programmes, and provide the students with contacts to other students abroad. They are likely to develop the network, e g, with a student forum, personal blogs, wikipedia and other network links. The mentors could also join the network, but we believe that the students might be the first enthusiasts to develop the network. Read more about the programme in the invitation letter.
As a first tentative approach, the Lund University International Student Forum for surveying students and mentorship programs is launched at The international mentorship network will be initiated gradually.
The Mentorship Programme Network will be part of FIG Commission 2 activities in 2007-2010.
Latin phrase Scientia Est Potentia (Knowledge Is Power) was selected as a motto of symposium dedicated to development of curricula, organised jointly by FIG Commission 2 and Faculty of Civil Engineering CTU in Prague on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the Czech Technical University in Prague. More details:
Conference web site:
Commission 2 Chairperson's report to the 28th General Assembly in Cairo, Egypt 16-21 April 2005
Argentina, Rosario City, 18-20 October 2000
One of the objectives of the FIG USA Bureau has been to expand the Federation in Latin American countries, where at present there are only two members.