Robert Hooke (1635-1703): The Hidden Surveyor Revealed
by Michael Cooper
Key words: history of science, Great Fire of London,
surveying, Robert Hooke.
1. Introduction
The main events of Hooke's
life and work are briefly discussed in relation to their social and
scientific contexts. It is shown that he can be seen as the first
professional scientist, employed by the Royal Society of London to
undertake many experimental investigations in what would now be called
the physical, chemical and biological sciences. In this capacity he
was a servant of the Royal Society, but received irregular and late
payments for his services. He is best known for the "Law of
Elasticity" which bears his name, but he also displayed great
ingenuity in his microscopical investigations and in designing opto-mechanical
devices for scientific instruments. He made many unsuccessful attempts
to measure the variation of gravity with distance from the earth's
surface, believing that it followed an inverse square law. He engaged
in disputes with Newton (about colours and gravity) with Huyghens
(about the first use of a watch spring) and with Hevelius (about the
importance of using telescopic sights for accurate astronomical
measurements). The dispute with Newton damaged Hooke's reputation for
more than 200 years after his death.
2. The Great Fire of London
In five days and nights in September 1666 most of London was
devastated by fire. The King, and the merchants who governed the City,
had to act quickly to deal with the thousands of citizens who had lost
not only their houses, but their livelihoods and fortunes. Hooke, by
then just over 30 years old, but dependent on irregular and very late
payments of salary from the Royal Society, saw an opportunity to gain
some financial independence by serving the City in its need to rebuild
urgently. Only two weeks after the end of the Fire he presented to the
City a plan for rebuilding London which the rulers of the City
preferred to one that their own Surveyor had prepared. Reasons for
this surprising approval by the City are proposed. Christopher Wren
presented his plan to the King. At least seven plans were put forward,
but not one was adopted. Reasons are given for the decision to rebuild
London largely on the old foundations, but according to new building
regulations. Hooke was appointed one of three City Surveyors,
responsible for rebuilding London after the Fire.
3. Hooke - City Surveyor and Re-builder of London
Historians of science and historians of London have given little
attention to Hooke as City Surveyor. Reasons for this neglect are
discussed. Recent research by the author in the archives of the City
of London are described. Hundreds of manuscripts written by Hooke
concerning the day-to-day rebuilding of London have been brought to
light. They are classified and summarised. A few are described in
detail and illustrated. Arguments are put forward to justify a claim
that his contribution to the rebuilding of London was of great
importance, not only by his daily acts of surveying, measuring,
staking out foundations and settling building disputes, but legally
and politically also. As his science has been hidden in Newton=s
shadow for so long, so his contribution to the rebuilding of London
has been hidden in the shadow of Wren. But despite Hooke's
expertise in designing opto-mechanical scientific instruments he made
no direct contribution to the development of land surveying
instruments in his role as City Surveyor. An explanation of this lack
of innovation is proposed.
4. Hooke's Scientific Surveying
Hooke held four life-time appointments: Curator of Experiments for
the Royal Society (from 1662) and Cutlerian Lecturer (from 1664);
Professor of Geometry at Gresham College (from 1665); and City
Surveyor (from 1667). In all appointments but the last he demonstrated
mechanical and optical ingenuity of the highest order, including the
design of instruments and devices for many kinds of practical
surveying that were not to be realised until very much later. A few of
these innovations relating to hydrography, gravimetry, astronomy,
stereoscopic mapping and automated route mapping are described and
5. Conclusions - Hooke Revealed
Interest in Hooke's science and philosophy was reawakened at the
tercentenary of his birth. As we get closer to the tercentenary of his
death he is being seen as an important but difficult and idiosyncratic
figure in renaissance science. This paper has dealt mainly with his
work as City Surveyor. He is revealed as extraordinarily well
organised, fair-minded, efficient and unbelievably energetic in
dealing with the daily clamour and disputes of London's citizens when
they were desperate to rebuild their lives and their businesses after
the fire. Hooke practised with a strong sense of civic virtue and
fair-dealing in all areas of surveying covered today by the
Commissions of FIG. He can be seen not only as the first professional
scientist, but as the first professional surveyor in all its modern
forms, from geodesy to property valuation and management.
Professor M.A.R. Cooper
Department of Civil Engineering
City University
Northampton Square
London EC1V 0HB
Tel: +44 20 7477 8149
Fax: +44 20 7477 8570
Robert Hooke (1635-1703): The Hidden Surveyor Revealed
Robert Hooke was born on 18th July 1635
at Freshwater in the Isle of Wight, the youngest of four children of
the parish curate. He was a sickly child until he reached the age of
seven and was not expected to live to adulthood. Without any private
family income, he was taught at home by his father, but headaches and
sickness frequently interrupted his studies. The only knowledge we
have of his childhood from people who knew him comes from his friend
John Aubrey (Powell, 1949) and Richard Waller (Waller, 1705). Aubrey
tells us that the young Hooke had a talent for drawing, which Waller
mentions too, but Waller also describes a remarkable ability to make
mechanical toys and wooden clocks that would "go". In
particular he describes a model ship with full rigging that Hooke
made. It sailed across the harbour at Freshwater, with a contrivance
for firing its guns as it went. It is not possible to say how far
these descriptions of some characteristics of the young Hooke were
influenced by what he later became.
Hooke's life changed abruptly when his father died
in 1648. Aged thirteen, he left the little seaside town of Freshwater,
crossed the Solent and went to London, taking his fortune of £50
which he had received in family legacies (Nakajima, 1994). He started
life in London as an apprentice to Sir Peter Lely, the portrait
painter, but after only a few weeks Hooke entered Westminster School.
We do not know why he ceased his apprenticeship, or who helped him
enter a school which, at more or less the same time, included
Christopher Wren, Henry Purcell, John Dryden and John Locke amongst
its pupils. Hooke had no scholarship, no private income and his
legacies were only sufficient for a year's fees and lodgings, yet he
remained at Westminster School for five years until he went to Oxford
University in 1653. It is possible that Hooke's lively and gregarious
nature and sharp intelligence so impressed Richard Waller, Westminster's
Headmaster, that he enabled him to stay on and complete his studies
there. If so, it was not the only time that the penniless Hooke
received the patronage of powerful men, many of whom saw how useful he
could be to them.
As a student at Oxford, Hooke had to earn money. He
took work as a servitor to a Mr Goodman, despite having a choral
scholarship at Christ Church. In 1655 he first came to the notice of a
group of natural philosophers centred at Wadham College, including
John Wilkins, Robert Boyle, Thomas Willis and others who later were to
become formative members of the Royal Society. The aristocratic Robert
Boyle was having difficulties making a vacuum pump for his experiments
with air. Hooke soon made his opinion known that the materials Boyle's
assistant were using were not good enough, so Boyle sent Hooke to
London to seek some that were better and then employed him to make his
pump. Hooke continued working for Boyle in Oxford and London until, in
1662, he was, with Boyle's permission, appointed Curator of
Experiments to the Royal Society, for whom he worked with zeal,
although he was paid little and frequently more than a year late.
As one of the Society's employees, Hooke was
ordered by the clerics, aristocrats, courtiers and physicians to
undertake sometimes as many as six demonstrations and experiments at
each of their weekly meetings. These were usually haphazard, ranging
from weighing partially evacuated glass bubbles, listening to the
different noises made when they were broken and then weighing the
debris, to curing sick dogs by skin transplants and blood
transfusions. He desperately tried to prepare and test his methods and
instruments beforehand, often failing through lack of time and
suitable materials. Amidst the welter of capricious investigations put
upon him by the Fellows he succeeded in making a microscope and
publishing in Micrographia (Hooke, 1665) detailed drawings and
written descriptions of what it revealed to him. Many of the details
of animal, vegetable and mineral objects he showed had never been seen
before; for example he was the first to show and name the cellular
structure of plants. The beautifully produced book was a remarkable
achievement, not only for the powerful images created through Hooke's
painstaking and skilful draughtsmanship, but also for his verbal
descriptions and suggestions about why things were as they were
observed to be. The publication of Micrographia was seminal in
the use of drawings as an integral component of scientific rhetoric. Micrographia
astonished most of literate London and soon went into a second
edition. It was the first popular book on science and should have
secured his reputation as a major figure in the early development of
systematic empirical methods of investigation. But that was not to be.
In 1665 Hooke was appointed Professor of Gresham
College. Sir Thomas Gresham, a sixteenth century merchant and banker
to Queen Elizabeth I established by his will a college in his name in
London to provide salaries for seven of divinity, law, rhetoric,
physic (medicine), astronomy, music and geometry to give lectures in
Latin and English for the citizens of London. The college was
established in 1597 at Gresham's former house in Bishopsgate Street
where the Royal Society was allowed to hold its meetings. Gresham
College was administered by the City of London and the Worshipful
Company of Mercers - men quite different from the Fellows of the Royal
Society. Hooke, now aged 30, for the first time in his adult life had
accommodation and a regular salary (,50
per annum) for a lifetime. His position seemed to become even more
secure when Sir John Cutler offered to pay him an annual salary of £50
to give lectures at the Royal Society meetings on the history of
trades. However, the Royal Society quickly decided to reduce by £50
the salary of £80 it had agreed to pay Hooke (but often paid late)
and despite giving his Cutlerian Lectures, Hooke was not paid by
Cutler until he took a successful court action for payment 30 years
Hooke spent nearly all his working life in and
around Gresham College. He is well known for his scientific
investigations, but to date only one biography has been published ('Espinasse,
1957). He continued to give his Cutlerian and Gresham lectures and
undertake experiments for the Royal Society. It was through his
seemingly inexhaustible energy and inquiring mind that the Royal
Society meetings did not become more entertainment for gentlemen than
investigations into natural philosophy. Hooke's determination to
design and make instruments for measuring natural phenomena derived
from the Baconian viewpoint that observation, rather than accepted
authority, leads to understanding and knowledge of the natural world
and consequently to power over it. In Micrographia Hooke wrote
that it was necessary to compensate for the defects in mankind's
senses by making instruments for observation and measurement. In his
lifetime he designed and made optical and mechanical contrivances for
many purposes. He sometimes failed to achieve the accuracies that he
knew were possible because of the limitations of methods for making
the optical and mechanical components and the intractability of the
materials then available. These failures frustrated many of his
ambitions and probably were one reason for his long-lasting and often
ill-tempered disputes with Newton (about gravity and light) Hevelius
(about telescopes for astronomical measurements) and Huygens (about
His dispute with Newton in particular had a severe
effect on Hooke's reputation that lasted for more than 200 years after
his death. Newton delayed accepting the Presidency of the Royal
Society until Hooke had died. By then, Newton's reputation was
unassailable and men sought his favour by denigrating all that Hooke
had done. The concluding years of Hooke's life in Gresham College
passed with increasing infirmity and, ultimately in squalor. His
estate, most of it in cash in a trunk under his bed, was valued at
about £10,000 (Hunter & Schaffer eds., 1989) which at the time
was of the same order as the estate of a merchant banker. This was an
astonishingly large sum for an employee of the Royal Society receiving
infrequent and late partial payments of his annual £30 salary to have
accumulated. As will be shown, nearly all of Hooke's fortune came from
his work as surveyor. As a Gresham Professor, Hooke had to remain
celibate. He died intestate, but in the later years of his life he had
intended to use his fortune to endow the Royal Society with its own
premises. It seems as if internal wranglings amongst members and the
increasing animosity towards him shown by supporters of Newton
prevented Hooke from formalising these intentions.
In five days and nights in September 1666 most of
London was devastated by fire. It began in the early hours of Sunday
morning 2nd September 1666 in a bakehouse in Pudding Lane,
just north of London Bridge. A strong wind from the east soon fanned
the flames. The fire spread rapidly westwards from roof to roof above
lanes and streets lined with overhanging houses, most with timber
frames and lath and plaster walls. In the shops and workshops and in
streets and enclosed courtyards close to the River Thames and its
warehouses lay inflammable materials used by the citizens for their
daily business. Straw and chaff for horses, tallow for candles, stores
of tar, pitch, hemp and flax, kindling and coal for fires and
furnaces, all added to the growing conflagration. At first the fire
seemed no different from others that had occurred, but this time the
weeks of hot, dry weather preceding the outbreak and the exceptionally
strong wind soon made containment by the usual method of pulling down
houses ahead of the advancing fire ineffective. The labour and time
required to demolish the houses were inadequate for finishing the task
before the fire was upon them. Fire-fighting with water pumps was
almost impossible. The fire engines could not negotiate the narrow and
crooked streets and lanes, many of which were cluttered with market
stalls and detritus of all kinds, to reach the advancing fire front.
By the end of Sunday it was clear that this was no ordinary London
fire. Citizens fled westwards and across the river, taking as many
belongings as they could manage. The Lord Mayor, Sir Thomas Bludworth,
thought of using gunpowder to blow up houses to provide fire-breaks,
but he knew that the City (here "City"" is used to
describe the men and organizations who governed London; "city"
is used to describe the geographical London) could not afford the
expense of destroying citizen's houses and he feared explosions would
give rise to civil insurrection.
The King sent troops under the command of his
brother the Duke of York into the city to quell minor disturbances and
so prevent a major riot. In the confusion rumours of arson, or
invasion by the French or Dutch, or a popish plot (following the
failure of the "Gunpowder Plot" a quarter of a century
earlier) fuelled anxiety and retaliation by the citizens. However,
complete breakdown of law and order was avoided. By close cooperation
between the King's militia and the City's aldermen and deputies
working within their wards and parishes with their constables, local
problems were discovered and dealt with before they could become more
widespread. Although much petty crime took place, the overall social
stability was maintained.
The fire continued burning day and night until, by
sunrise on Thursday 6th September, the flames had died. The
city smouldered, ready to burst into flames again, but the wind had
dropped and the destruction was over. About 85% of the area of the
city had been destroyed (Porter, 1996). More than 70,000 citizens were
homeless, many living in villages and open spaces outside the city
with what few possessions they could salvage. More than 80 churches,
including St Pauls, were destroyed, with 44 of the 51 livery halls
(the centres for the city's crafts and trades) and important buildings
such as Guildhall, the Customs House, the Royal Exchange, prisons, law
courts and gateways (Bell, 1923). The social, commercial, legal and
administrative fabrics of London life were ruined. ruins. Only a small
area in the north-east corner remained unburnt. Amongst the stone
buildings still standing in that part was Gresham College which the
City soon took over for its business, the Guildhall having been
burnt-out. Hooke however remained in his rooms, but many occupied by
other Gresham Professors were requisitioned by the City. Already Hooke
was known to the rulers of the City because they had appointed him
Gresham Professor only a year earlier. He was living amidst the group
of administrators and officials who were facing the daunting task of
re-establishing normal civic life and business without delay. Hooke
lost no time in presenting himself as someone who could be useful in
that task. He was soon to play a major part in the rebuilding of
London which has, until recently (Cooper, 1996, 1997, 1998a, 1998b)
been largely neglected by scholars.
Only two weeks after the end of the fire, Hooke
presented to the City his plan for rebuilding London. It so impressed
the Lord Mayor and Aldermen that they preferred it to the plan drawn
up by the City's Surveyor Peter Mills. They asked the Royal Society
for permission to present Hooke's plan to the King. The Royal Society
President, Lord Brounker, eager to foster good relations with the City
who had made Gresham College available to the Society, and with the
King, the Society's patron, readily agreed. At least five other plans
for rebuilding were made, including one by Christopher Wren who
presented his directly to the King. None of the plans was carried out
because the City could not afford the time or the cost of acquiring
land and rebuilding the city on new foundations. Normal trade,
commerce and business had to resume as quickly as possible so that
both the citizens and the City could begin to receive income so it was
decided that rebuilding should take place largely on the old
foundations (Reddaway, 1940).
The City, having appointed Hooke as Gresham
Professor of Geometry and having preferred his plan for rebuilding to
that of their own Surveyor, now sought from him a vital contribution
as one the City Surveyors responsible for rebuilding. Before the Great
Fire, the City Surveyor was selected from the City's master craftsmen
and was mainly concerned with overseeing the costs and workmanship of
the City's own building works. After the Great Fire, three Surveyors
were appointed: Peter Mills, master bricklayer and Surveyor before the
Great Fire, Hooke and John Oliver, master glazier and citizen. Hooke's
appointment was very unusual. He had no background in the building
crafts and was not engaged in City life. The City rulers however had
known about Hooke for some years and no doubt recognized that he was
the intellectual equal and scientific colleague of Wren, one of the
King's Commissioners for Building. Maintenance of good relations
between the King and the City during the difficult time ahead when
legal and technical issues had to be quickly settled and acted upon
was more likely if Wren and Hooke were in partnership in the
enterprise. Hooke, since his Oxford days, had demonstrated exceptional
knowledge and practical skills in the crafts of instrument making so
he could understand how building craftsmen worked and what they could
achieve. The City would have noticed too Hooke's lack of a private
income and the irregularity of salary payments to him by the Royal
Society and have realised how important the City Surveyor's
,150 annual
salary, paid regularly every quarter would be to him. In appointing
him, the City was not taking a risk, but identifying an unusually
knowledgeable and competent man who had the right connections and who
would serve their present needs with energy and efficiency in return
for greater financial independence of the Royal Society.
The City's opinion of Hooke was fully justified. He
supervised the team of surveyors who made a plan of the ruined
streets. He was present when the King marked on it which streets he
wanted to be widened, or new-built, where new markets were to be
located and new quays built alongside the Thames and Fleet rivers. He
worked with Wren in drafting the new building regulations which were
to transform London from a jumble of decaying wood and plaster
buildings to a safer and more orderly city of stone and brick, but the
pattern of mediaeval streets was not much changed.
On 27th March 1667 Hooke and Mills
(Oliver was not appointed until January 1668) began staking out the
new and widened streets. Nine weeks later that task had all but
finished and the two City Surveyors began to stake out and certify the
foundations for private building. The procedure was for an owner to
pay to the City 6s-8d (approx. 33p) for each old foundation to be
rebuilt on. The owner would then show the receipt to one of the City
Surveyors and arrange a time to meet at the site and negotiate a fee
to be paid to the Surveyor for issuing the certificate. The owner was
responsible for clearing all rubbish from the site to reveal the old
foundations. At the due time the Surveyor would arrive, identify the
old foundations, mark them with stakes (taking account of any road
widening), measure the dimensions of the site and issue a certificate
to the owner in exchange for his fee. Only when the owner was in
possession of the Surveyor's certificate could he start to rebuild.
When an owner had land taken away for new or widened streets, or a new
market or quay, the Surveyor measured and certified the area of land
taken away. The owner then took the certificate to the City for
payment of compensation, normally 5s-0d per square foot (approx. £2.69
per square metre). Records at the Corporation of London Records Office
(CLRO) show that in the eight years 1667-74 about 8,000 foundations
had been surveyed and certified, nearly 3,000 of them by Hooke, the
remainder by Mills (who died in 1670 and was not replaced as City
Surveyor) and Oliver.
Another of Hooke's major duties as Surveyor was to
visit building sites to settle disputes between neighbours during
rebuilding. In response to a citizen's complaint to the City, at least
two of the Surveyors, sometimes accompanied by Aldermen or Deputies of
the Ward where the dispute arose, went to look at the evidence (or
make a "view") question the contending parties and recommend
to the City how the dispute should be settled. Many views were related
to intermixture of interests where new party walls, which had to be
built vertically from the ground, replaced overlapping, overhanging
and intermixed storeys in the old buildings. CLRO evidence of the
number of views undertaken by Hooke in the years 1668-1674 has
important gaps, but it may reasonably be deduced that more than 500
were completed by him in that time. Disputes were usually complicated
and of great importance to the parties involved in the dispute. It is
astonishing to see so much evidence of the way Hooke regularly
understood the main issues, acted quickly and with a sense of fairness
in his decisions. Although legally the decision was made by the City,
Hooke's recommendations were almost always accepted by the City and,
in turn, by the parties in dispute. It is remarkable how Hooke, so
disputatious in his science, took such great care to remove it from
civic life and to do so very effectively. It might be that in both
cases his concern was with equity - which he dispensed as Surveyor,
but felt he did not receive as Scientist.
Hooke's duties as Surveyor extended to detailed
supervision over many years of the City's building works. By countless
visits to building sites and careful scrutiny of the work and
documents he ensured the workmanship was properly carried out and
charged for at reasonable rates, the bills of quantities accurately
estimated and costs of materials acceptable. With Wren he designed and
supervised the building of retaining walls for the Fleet River which
had to be repeatedly re-built and re-designed as the lateral pressure
on them from groundwater on either side of the valley caused collapse.
He spent a great deal of effort in trying to clear the north bank of
the Thames to build a wide quay and new wall, but ultimately the
project failed because neither the King nor the City could afford the
cost of compensating owners of the wharves alongside the river for
loss of their property and livelihoods. Hooke designed and built the
Monument. He designed or supervised the building of new gateways in
the city walls. In the area of public health he supervised mapping
for, and setting out of, new sewers and conduits and decided on sites
for latrines and laystalls (places where citizens could lay their
rubbish for collection) and worked closely and regularly with Wren on
the city churches, including St Pauls.
Hooke received not only his salaries from the City
for his appointments at Gresham College and as City Surveyor amounting
to £200 per annum, but received fees from citizens for his
certificates and reports on views, for his work on rebuilding the
London churches and for privately commissioned architectural work
(Bedlam Hospital, College of Physicians, London churches and Ralph
Montague's house amongst others) brought Hooke's annual income at this
time to around £500, placing him amongst the wealthier middle
classes. Only £30 of his income came from the Royal Society.
Hooke's surveying has been largely neglected by
scholars. The standard account of the rebuilding of London (Reddaway,
1940) makes little mention of Hooke and historians of science have
either ignored his surveying or misunderstood it. Despite his
exceptional gifts in devising instruments for measurement he made no
advances in instrumentation for surveying in his role of City Surveyor
because none was necessary. Linear measurements with rod or line were
fit for purpose. And yet for about eight years surveying in the widest
sense as it is understood today took much of his time and brought him
considerable financial reward. It has been estimated (Cooper, 1999)
that he spent most mornings in the aftermath of the Great Fire on his
City business, going about the rubble-strewn streets, standing amidst
the ruins of houses, shops and workshops talking to citizens,
observing, measuring, listening, reading documentary evidence and
recording details in his survey books, which are now lost. The Hooke
who worked in the streets of London showed personal characteristics
quite different from those usually attributed to him by historians.
In just eight years after the destruction of
London, rebuilding was for all practical purposes completed. The fears
of insurrection in the days of the Great Fire and the following few
months were allayed as citizens saw the slow return of normal life
begin to quicken. The Fire Courts dealt with matters of title and with
disputes between landlord and tenant (Jones (ed.) 1966). The City
dealt with legal and technical matters relating to rebuilding. In each
case hard work by a few men dedicated to serve the public interest
enabled the citizens to re-establish their life and businesses without
undue delay or exploitation. Hooke was one of those men.
Amongst the many mechanical and optical devices
Hooke conceived for scientific measurements and investigations were
some that later came to be incorporated in surveying instruments
throughout the centuries following his death. A few of these are now
4.1 Hydrography
Hooke visited many times various coffee houses in
London where he met, smoked, ate, drank coffee, gossiped and debated
freely with a wide cross-section of society. In Garraway's for
example, the clientele was mainly engaged in maritime trade as
merchants, underwriters or ships' captains. Hooke frequently gave to
the seafarers lists of observations and experiments he wished them to
make in far-off lands and objects to bring back for scientific study.
In September 1663 he presented to the Royal Society his first
mechanical devices for collecting samples of sea-water from any depth
and for depth-sounding without using a line (Gunther, 1930). The
samples were collected by lowering a container C (Figure 1, left)
attached to a bracket B by a line attached at F. The vanes E (with
arms D hinged at the bracket B) opened as shown when the device was
lowered through the water. When the pre-determined depth had been
reached according to the knots on the line, the line was jerked
upwards, closing the vanes E on their arms D so that the container C
became sealed as at G. The container with the sampled water inside
could then be raised to the surface, the vanes E remaining closed. The
depth-sounding device (Figure 1, right) was made of a weight D having
a fixed ring E, connected to a buoyant ball A having a long staple B,
by a spring clip C. The contraption is released from the water surface
and falls to the sea bottom whereupon the inertia of the ball A
depresses the spring C which frees the ball A to return to the
surface. The "time of flight" is recorded and can be
converted to depth if the speed of the falling weight D is equal to
the speed of the rising ball A and is known by calibration. It is
likely that Hooke had the simple devices made and then tested by
mariners, because from time to time he reported on various significant
and increasingly ingenious improvements, the last in December 1691 (Hooke,
ed. Derham, 1726).
4.2 Stereoscopic mapping
Figure 2 illustrates the first of a series of
thoughts Hooke had in 1694 which came very close to being a
description of accurate stereoscopic mapping about 200 years before
stereo-photogrammetry became feasible. The first thought was about how
inaccurate and incomplete sketches often made by mariners of newly
discovered shorelines could be improved so that others visiting the
places later could navigate more safely. In 1666, only a few months
before his life was changed by the Great Fire, Hooke had described to
the Royal Society some uses of a "picture box". By 1670 he
had made and used a camera obscura which presented an upright and
unreversed image to the user (Cooper, 1996). Then, in 1694 it came to
his mind again when he was thinking of mapping coastlines by
simultaneous horizontal and vertical angular measurements from the
ends of a measured baseline aboard ship. He proposed two double motion
two-foot (about 0.6m) sextants with telescopic sights mounted on
pedestals using what would now be called constrained centring for
measuring the angles to features on shore. He said the accuracy of
measurement of the separation of the centres of the pedestals was
paramount and that they should be at the vessel's stern and bowsprit
head, or otherwise as far apart as possible. He said that the
observers should agree beforehand on an observing programme and that
when observing they could communicate with one another by pre-arranged
signals on a line between them. The juxtaposition in his mind of
perspective projection for accurate recording of directions and
simultaneous intersection of observed directions for locating the
positions of features is the concept of analytical photogrammetry, but
without photographs.
4.3 Opto-mechanical instruments
Hooke's ability to conceive new opto-mechanical
instruments of high accuracy was far in advance of the technology
necessary to make them successfully. Except for his microscope, which
revealed for the first time the astonishingly complex details of small
objects, and his observational telescopes which revealed similar
complexity in the very large, his attempts to combine optical and
mechanical technologies in practice were generally unsuccessful. More
than a century of slow progress in the understanding of properties of
opto-mechanical materials and of manufacturing techniques was
necessary before some of his designs could be made with sufficient
accuracy and stability for regular usage as scientific measuring
In one of his published Cutlerian Lectures (Hooke,
1674) he argued that telescopic sights were necessary to improve the
accuracy of observations for positional astronomy beyond what was
obtainable with open sights, even when used by the most experienced
and acute observer. He criticised the Danish astronomer Hevelius for
using open sights for observations intended to improve on Tycho Brahe's
astronomical tables, saying that telescopic sights would give
measurements 40 times more accurate. Hooke made a claim, scorned by
Flamsteed, the Astronomer Royal, that it was possible to make an
instrument that could be held in the hand and which could measure
angles to 1 second of arc; such instruments were eventually made more
than 250 years later by Heinrich Wild. A design of an equatorial
quadrant (Figure 3, from Hooke,1674) has many mechanical and optical
components that were commonly used in surveying and photogrammetric
instruments until only a decade or so ago such as a tangent screw,
micrometer scale, double catoptric telescopes for coincidence imaging,
universal joints, hand-wheels and gear-trains. Hooke gave detailed
drawings and dimensions of the components with instructions for making
and assembling them. A clock mechanism controlled by a conical
pendulum rotated the polar axis so that a star appeared stationary to
the observer. There is no evidence that an instrument was made. It is
highly unlikely that it would have performed satisfactorily for long;
the machinery, workmanship and materials were at that time quite
4.2 Gravimetry
The measurement of the earth's gravitational force
and its variation with distance from the earth's surface was the theme
of a series of experimental investigations with pendulums, balances
and falling weights that Hooke performed in the years before the Great
Fire and which he continued from time to time later. Through these
experiments Hooke tried, but failed to discover what he thought must
be true: that the earth's gravitational force followed an inverse
square law. He lacked Newton=s
mathematical genius and capacity for abstraction that later would
result in Principia, but as a mechanist he sought evidence by
experimentation. On the roof of Westminster Abbey he used a balance to
weigh a piece of lead with a thread attached. Then he attached the
other end of the thread to the balance pan and lowered the lead to
just above the surface immediately below and re-weighed it to see if
it weighed more, or less, when closer to the surface of the earth.
After several trials and independent checks he concluded that if there
was a variation in gravitational attraction over the height difference
used, it was too small to be measured. He continued similar
experiments over greater height differences, making use of the steeple
of (old) St Pauls and some mines at Banstead Downs in Surrey, but with
the same conclusions. He experimented with pendulum clocks at the
bases and summits of hills, and with timing falling bodies at
different elevations, but could detect no changes. He recognised that
it was necessary to design a mechanism that would change noticeably as
a result of a very small change in gravity. He produced a sketch (Hooke,
1666) showing a weight counterpoised by a spring in such a way that a
small change in gravity would produce a noticeable flexure in the
spring, so introducing a principle of gravimetry which only much later
could be made to work.
This paper has dealt mainly with Hooke's work as
City Surveyor. It shows him to have been extraordinarily well
organised, fair-minded, efficient and astonishingly energetic.
Although his phenomenal energy has been noted by writers on his
science, they have generally described him as devious, irascible and
of dubious morality. Yet in his engagement amidst the ruins of London
with the daily clamour and disputes of London's citizens, desperate to
rebuild their lives and their businesses after the Great Fire, he
showed high civic virtue. He practising surveying in most of the areas
covered today by the Commissions of FIG. In instrumentation he was
far-sighted in defining the principles of, and making detailed designs
for, optical and mechanical components that were used in surveying
instruments for the following 250 years. Interest in Hooke's science
and philosophy was reawakened at the tercentenary of his birth. As we
get closer to the tercentenary of his death he is seen as an important
but difficult and idiosyncratic figure in renaissance science. This
paper shows that he can be seen not only as the first professional
scientist, but as the first professional surveyor, practising in areas
ranging from geodesy to property valuation and management. The
rebuilding of London after the Great Fire was accomplished speedily
and without civil unrest or dissatisfaction. In that achievement,
Hooke's contribution through daily actions on behalf of the citizens
and the City was greater than that of any other individual.
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Figure 1
Left: device for collecting water samples from different depths
Right: device for sounding depths without a line |
Figure 2
Towards photogrammetry |
Figure 3
Hooke’s equatorial quadrant |
Professor M.A.R. Cooper
School of Engineering
City University
28 March 2000