24th FIG General Assembly, Seoul 2001
Additional Agenda I

6 May 2001 
Additional Agenda I, General Assembly 2001

24th FIG General Assembly

7 and 11 May 2001
Seoul, Korea



for the meetings to be held at the Sheraton Walker Hill Hotel and Conference Centre, Seoul, Korea
on 7 and 11 May 2001

Monday 7 May, 11.00 - 12.30, Grand Ballroom I
General Assembly, First Session

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Vice President Christian Andreasen to take roll call.
Appendix to items 2 & 23: Updated list for Roll call.

Motion: That the delegates and observers attending the General Assembly be entered in the records and that at the second session of the General Assembly roll call will be made only for member associations while other members and participants will be recorded only.


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Motion: That the General Assembly adds a new agenda item 19 B Other matters before agenda item 20. Under this item the General Assembly will be informed about the FIG guidelines on the use of the FIG logo.


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6.1 Acceptance of new members

6.1.5 Ordre National des Ingénieurs Géometres-Topographes (Morocco)

The Ordre National des Ingénieurs Géomètres-Topographes from Morocco has submitted a formal application to become a new member association of FIG. The Bureau has considered the application and believes that the association meets the criteria for membership of FIG as a member association.

Appendix to item 6.1.5: Application form from the Ordre National des Ingénieurs Géomètres-Topographes.

Motion: That the General Assembly admits the Ordre National des Ingénieurs Géomètres-Topographes as a member association of FIG.


6.3 Expungements

6.3.1 Expungements

The Bureau wants to inform the General Assembly that the Association des Géomètres Algériens, Ikatan Surveyor Indonesia and Ukrainian Society of Surveying have made partly payments for their arrears and that arrangements have been made for the remaining arrears so that none of these associations is at the moment more than three years in arrears with its membership fees.

Motion: The motion on expelling member associations from the FIG membership has been withdrawn from the agenda.


6.4 Other membership matters

The Bureau wants to inform the General Assembly on the following changes in the membership of FIG:


The Bureau has admitted the following three organisations to become a affiliate members of FIG:

  • Instituto Geográfico Nacional, El Salvador
  • Instituto Geográfico Nacional, Guatemala
  • Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction, Cambodia

Sponsor members

The Bureau has admitted the following six companies to become sponsor members of FIG:

  • Terra Map Server GmbH, Germany; specification: Internet and GIS, Corporate Membership category: E
  • Hansa Luftbild Sensorik und Photogrammetrie GmbH, Germany; specification: photogrammetry. Corporate Membership category: E
  • Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI); USA; specification: GIS and mapping software; Corporate Membership category: C
  • GeoInformatics; specification: publisher/journal; The Netherlands; Corporate Membership category: E
  • MicroSurvey Software, Inc.; Canada; specification: software; Corporate Membership category: E
  • SurveyPlanet, Inc; USA; specification: web portal: Corporate Membership category: E

Further the Bureau wants to inform that after Trimble Navigation Limited completed its acquisition of the Spectra Precision, both being sponsor members of FIG, Trimble Navigation Ltd stays as a sponsor member of FIG representing both former sponsor members.

Academic members

The Bureau wants to inform the General Assembly that 16 new academic members have joined FIG after the General Assembly in Prague and that the number of academic members is 36 7th May 2001. The new Academic members are:

  • Istanbul Technical University, Civil Engineering Faculty, Department of Geodesy and Photogrammetry
  • Michigan Technological University, School of Technology, Surveying
  • New Mexico State University, Surveying Engineering
  • Espoo-Vantaa Institute of Technology (EVITech)
  • Universadad de Concepcion, Unidad Académica Los Angeles, Departamento Geomensura, Chile
  • Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Tecnologias / UNSE, Departamento Academico de Agrimensura, Argentina
  • University of Applied Sciences Oldenburg/Ostfriesland/Wilhemshaven, Department of Surveying Engineering, Germany
  • Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería Técnica Topográfica, Spain
  • University of Agricultural Sciences Vienna, Institute of Surveying, Remote Sensing and Land
  • The Royal School of Military Survey, Geographic Engineer Group
  • Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Surveying Engineering
  • Universidad de Puerto Rico, Civil Engineering Department
  • Department of Geodesy of the Mongolian Technical University
  • Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Geodesy and Cadastre/Construction Technology and Management
  • Lithuanian University of Agriculture, Land Management Department.
  • The University of Nottingham, Institute of Engineering Surveying and Space Geodesy.

Motion: That the General Assembly notes the actions that the Bureau has taken with other membership matters.


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The Bureau has adopted guidelines on the use of the FIG logo.

Appendix to item 19 B: Guidelines on the use of the FIG logo.

Motion: That the General Assembly notes the guidelines on the use of the FIG logo.


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Friday 11 May, 10.00 - 13.00, Grand Ballroom I
General Assembly, Second Session

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The FIG Foundation will have its meeting in Seoul and at this meetings the new rules for the Foundation will be confirmed. President of the Education Foundation, Prof. Holger Magel, will include to his report subsequent report the results from the Annual Meeting of the Foundation to be held 7th May 2001.

Appendices to item 29:
29.1 Report on the FIG Foundation
29.2 Statutes of the FIG Foundation

Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the report and its recommendations and adopts the rules for the FIG Foundation.


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FIG Office

6 May 2001

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