FIG Commission 6

Curriculum Vitae

Prof., PhD. Alojz Kopáčik

Curriculum Vitae

Date of birth: 1958

Nationality: Slovakian


Current Position: Professor at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava


Alojz Kopáčik is since 2004 Professor at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. Study of Geodesy and Cartography at the University in Bratislava, doctorate degree (PhD.) 1986, 1987-1998 Senior Lecturer an 1998-2004 Ass. Professor at the Department of Surveying of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. Guest lecturer and research worker at the University of Technology Budapest (Hungary), University of Technology Vienna (Austria) and the Slovak Academy of Siences in Bratislava. Lectures at the Technical University of Dresden (Germany), Technical University of Novosibirsk (Russia), University of Technology Vienna (Austria), University of Miskolc (Hungary) and Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Sopron (Hungary). Member of FIG WG 6E (1996-1998), FIG WG 6.2 (2002-2006), Special Commission 4 of IAG (1997-1999) and the Proof Commission of the Slovak Board of Surveyors and Cartographers. Vice-dean and member of the Scientific Board of the Faculty of Civil Engineering of SUT Bratislava. Member of the Gremium of President of Slovak Authority of Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre. Chairman of the TC89 Geodesy and Cartography of the Slovak Institute of Standardisation.

Since 2004 Chair Elect of FIG Commission 6 (and Chair 2006-2010).

Study and examinations
  • 1973-77 Grammar School in Šaľa (Gymnasium)
  • 1977-82 Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Geodesy and Cartography
  • 1983-86 PhD. study at the Department of Surveying of the SUT Bratislava
  • 1996 licence of surveyors
  • 1998 habilitation (Ass.Prof.) at the SUT Bratislava
  • 1982-83 Duslo, š.p. Šaľa (Industry Company)
  • 1986- Department of Surveying, SUT Bratislava
  • 1998- Ass. Professorship at SUT Bratislava
  • 1999- Chairman of the TC 89 for Standardisation in Geodesy and Cartography in Slovakia
  • 2000- Vice-dean of the Faculty of Civil
  • Engineering, SUT Bratislava
  • 2004- Professorship for Geodesy and Geodetic Cartography at SUT Bratislava

Engineering surveying, Underground and mine surveying, Measuring systems in engineering surveying, Surveying for Civil Engineers.

Research worker and guest lecture at foreign universities
  • 1985 Department of Surveying at the TU Budapest (Hungary) – 3 weeks
  • 1991-93 Institute of Surveying and engineering surveying at the TU Vienna - (18 months)
  • 1985- more then 30 project’s
  • The most important: Deformation measurement of the city railway (metro) in Bratislava, of highway bridges, of the nuclear powerpoint Mochovce, tunnel network design and measurement, tunnel measurement (3 longest highway tunnels in Slovakia)
  • more than 70 publications, author and editor of 4 books, 4 scripts (study materials, more then 300 pages)
Organisation of Conferences
  • Organiser and Co-organiser of more than 10 Conferences (INGEO 1998, 2002, 2004, etc.)

Dr. Alojz Kopáčik, Ass. Prof., PhD.
Vice Dean of the Faculty
Faculty of Civil Engineering
SUT Bratislava
Radlinského 11
SK-813 68 Bratislava
Tel. + 421 2 5927 4559
Fax + 421 2 5296 7027

31 December 2006

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