FIG Working Week 2011 and the XXXIV General Assembly in Marrakech, Morocco, 18-22 May 2011

Bridging the Gap between Cultures

Picture Gallery 4 - Plenary Sessions

Links to picture galleries of the FIG Working Week and the XXXIV General Assembly in Marrakech, Morocco

Plenary Session 1
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ONIGT President Aziz Hilali making his kick off address at the first plenary session that opened the professional programme of the Working Week.
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President CheeHai Teo making his keynote address at the first plenary session:
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The festive setup of the plenary sessions in the Salle des Ministresat the Palais des Congrès.
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Ms. Aida Opoku-Mensah, Director, Division of ICT, UN ECA making her keynote address.
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President Teo, FIG, President Hilali, ONIGT and Aida Opoku-Mensah, UN ECA.
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Ms Aida Opoku-Mensah, UN ECA and President Teo.
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Vice President Chris Gibson, Trimble Navigation making his well received keynote address.
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Chris Gibson, Trimble Navigation.
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Chris Gibson and Mohammed Ettarid, rapporteur at the plenary session.
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President John Hohol, FIG Foundation gives Trimble Navigation the Foundation plaque to recognise Trimble becoming  a Charter Foundation Partner to the FIG Foundation.
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Chris Gibson (right) and Keith Hofgartner from Trimble Navigation that together with ESRI was the platinum sponsor of the Working Week.
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Keynote speakers at the first plenary session.
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Aida Opoku-Mensah, Othman Skiredj, Chris Gibson and Mohammed Ettarid.
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Othman Skiredj (Morocco) making his keynote address on the theory of the creation of the universes.
Plenary Session 2
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The second plenary session was also the 6th National Congress of ONIGT.
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President Aziz Hilalli opening the 6th ONIGT Congress. The Working Week was organised under patronise of His Majesty King Mohamed VI.
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President Aziz Hilali. ONIGT.
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Keynote speakers and moderators of the second plenary session.
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Prof. Holger Magel from TUM, Munich Germany was made the key contribution to the second plenary session. Prof. Magel is also an Honorary President of FIG.
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Ms. Houda Ait-Mik, World Federation of Engineering Organizations, Morocco and Mr. Abdouh Abdellatif, Secretariat of Consultant Board, Morocco.
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Prof. Dalal Alnaggar, FIG Vice President was the co-chair of the plenary session.
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Keynote speakers.
Plenary Session 3
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Prof. Stig Enemark made the key contribution to plenary session 3 on environmental issues and sustainable development.
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Prof. Enemark's presentation was a key contribution to discussion on surveyors' role in the climate change. He was also appointed as an Honorary President of FIG in Marrakech.
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The Moroccan contribution to the environment discussion was presented by Mr. Mohammed Nbou.
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Mr. Mohammed Nbou, Secretary of State, Energy Mines, Water and Environment, Morocco.
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Mr. Mohammed Nbou, Secretary of State, Energy Mines, Water and Environment.
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Mr. Kamel Ayadi, third keynote speaker from Tunisia discussed among other about corruption.
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Dr. Mohammed Timoulali, from UN ECA chaired the plenary session on environmental issues and sustainable development.
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The co-chair of the session was John Hannah, New Zealand. He is also the chair of the newly appointed FIG Task Force on Surveyors and the Climate Change.
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Keynote speakers.

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