Picture gallery of the FIG Working Week 2003
Paris, France April 13-17, 2003

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General Assembly delegates listening to the FIG fanfare.

Pierre LeRoux, Intergraph as a new Corporate Member addresses the FIG General Assembly.

New academic members from India and Morocco.

Mr. Robert W. Foster from USA was appointed as an Honorary President of FIG.

Honorary President Juha Talvitie from Finland welcomes Mr. Foster to the team.

President Holger Magel together with the first female Vice President of FIG, Ms. Bettina Petzold and Mr. Thomas Gollwitzer, Congress Director FIG 2006.

Bernard Bour, Chair of the Organizing Committee at the opening ceremony.

Bernard Bour, Chair of the Organizing Committee at the opening ceremony.

The audience at the Les Salons de l'Aveyron listening the FIG fanfare.

M. André Radier, President of OGE, France making his welcome address.

Prof. Michel Kasser, President of AFT, France and Vice Chair of the LOC addressing the audience at the opening ceremony.

Prof. Holger Magel, President of FIG making his opening speech.

Michel Godet making his keynote presentation at the Anniversary Session.

Dr. Holger Schade, SICAD gets his membership certificate from President Magel after SICAD joined FIG as a corporate member during the Working Week.

FIG Corporate Members had their meeting during the WW in Paris.

President Magel and Mr. M. Hisham Nasr, Executive Director of ESA, Egypt signed the agreement on organizing the FIG Working Week 2005 in Cairo.

Castle of Versailles was the venue for the 125th Anniversary Dinner - the dinner was preceded by a private visit to the castle.

The garden of Versailles in sunset.

President Holger Magel and Mrs. Ansi Magel entering the Gala Dinner.

Participants at the ENSG.

Participants at the ENSG.

Future policies of FIG were discussed at the Presidents Meeting.

23 April 2003

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