23rd FIG General Assembly, Prague 2000


Amendments to the Statutes and Internal Rules

If the General Assembly adopts the recommendation of the Task Force on the Future Governance of FIG following amendments to the Statutes and Internal Rules need to be made already at the General Assembly in Prague:


Article 5.2

Current The Bureau is composed of the president of the Federation, three vice presidents, the secretary general, the treasurer and the congress director or otherwise as decided by the General Assembly
Proposal The Bureau is composed of the president of the Federation, five vice presidents and the congress director or otherwise as decided by the General Assembly
Internal Rules

Article 9.5

Current The president of the Federation, one of the vice presidents, the secretary general and the treasurer shall be…
Proposal The president of the Federation and three of the vice presidents shall be….
Responsibilities of Bureau members (as required by Article 6.3.3 of the Statutes)

The individual responsibilities of the members of the Bureau shall be as follows:
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  • ensure the day-to-day running of the Federation and the administration of its internal affairs
  • scrutinise and seek the necessary approvals for membership applications
  • ensure the preparation and distribution of agenda and papers for and minutes of the Federation’s administrative meetings
  • monitor the implementation of all decisions of the Federation’s administrative meetings
  • oversee the implementation of the Federation’s publications and information policy
  • ensure the production and dissemination of the Federation’s publications and computer-generated information
  • transmit the Federation’s decisions and other relevant information to the members
  • prepare proposals for consideration by the Bureau for the modification of the statutes and internal rules
  • ensure that the Federation works within its statutes and internal rules
  • submit a written report to each meeting of the General Assembly.


  • be responsible for all financial policy and its implementation
  • recommend levels of membership fees
  • ensure that the Bureau is advised of members whose fees are in arrears
  • ensure the preparation of annual budgets and audited statements of accounts for approval by the General Assembly
  • provide the link between the Federation and the Bureau and the FIG Education Foundation Limited
  • submit a written report to each meeting of the General Assembly.
Proposal The responsibilities of all Bureau members will be reconsidered in a due course when re-writing the Statutes and Internal Rules. The following proposal is based on the decisions made by the current US Bureau.

The individual responsibilities of the members of the Bureau shall be as follows:
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Vice-president (former Secretary-general)

  • advice the FIG office on administration policy matters
  • monitor the implementation of all decisions of the Federation’s administrative meetings
  • develop the Federation’s information policy
  • ensure that the Federation works within its statutes and internal rules
  • submit a written report to each meeting of the General Assembly.
  • keep contact to sister and other international organisations accordingly to the decisions of the Bureau
  • keep contact to member associations accordingly to the Bureau decisions
  • chair task forces as appropriate
  • report as required to meetings of the General Assembly.

Vice-president (former Treasurer)

  • be responsible for all financial strategy and its implementation
  • ensure the preparation of annual budgets and long term financial policy
  • develop fundraising policy for the Federation
  • provide the link between the Federation and the Bureau and the FIG Education Foundation Limited
  • chair task forces as appropriate
  • report as required to meetings of the General Assembly.

6 March 2000

This page is maintained by the FIG Office. Last revised on 15-01-08.